Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Qi blockchain - provides the highest level of security for the ecosystem

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good Qi Blockchain project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

In response to the 2008 global financial industry crash, a person, or an entity, named Satoshi Nakamoto developed a protocol for a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. That protocol became the foundation for distributed ledgers called blockchains. Blockchain is a bit like a global spreadsheet or ledger. A blockchain allows a person to safely send money to another person without going through a bank or financial services provider. From a business perspective, it’s helpful to think of blockchain technology as a type of next-generation business process improvement software.

The Blockchain network appears to be accelerating in terms of economic development at the moment. The innovation that was established in 2009 to help Bitcoin is now a dominant technology. Blockchain has applications in a variety of industries, including health care, the judicial sector, supply chain, and logistics, to name a few. Blockchain-based apps enhance the cryptocurrency sector by providing frictionless crypto trading while maintaining transparency. The need for blockchain platforms will continue to rise in order to safely and quickly create a blockchain-powered ecosystem. Therefore, we bring to you a QI Blockchain with high transaction speed that is suitable for the quickest transactions and become the currency and foundation for Metaverse and Web 3 and the fourth industrial revolution.

What is QI Blockchain?

Qi Blockchain (Qi for short) is a world-leading scalable and distributed, public blockchain network with smart contract scripting functionality. Qi is pronounced “chie” with the trading symbol “QIE”. Qi is positioned for Web 3.0, Metaverse, low transaction NFTs, Defi, and everything the future holds. Qi is solving the problem of high fees and scalability of blockchains as layer 1 blockchain with smart contract functionality.

Qi is a new entrant to the market able to handle 300 times more transactions per second than Bitcoin and 10 times more than SWIFT at a fraction of the fees with a secure consensus methodology.

Qis ecosystem is supported by one of the largest Venture Capital funds in Africa called nReach Capitis Laysan and VortX Capital. Qi is already used as the primary payment method in several apps and has the world`s lowest NFT marketplace with real use cases using Qi as native currency on their platform called Hovr available on the HovR.site.

Why Qi?

● Qi is a full infrastructure blockchain that allows any application in the world to be built on it offering a secure, decentralized network with sustainable, unmentionable low transaction fees and low fees mean they claim fees less than a cent to crate an NFT that currently cost almost 100 US Dollar on other blockchains

Innovations and real use cases of blockchain have only started and QI is the pick and shovel for all of this on a global scale

● QI is already integrated into several real-world apps as their primary payment method

● Countries can build their digital currencies on QI

● The whole backend and stock exchange or large databases can be upgraded and administered on QI for more transparency

● Improved record keeping and avoid double accounting

● QI is here to streamline and automate processes with endless use cases in Banking, Finance, Supply chain management, and many more

● Qi is environment friendly being able to mine with a home PC assuring everybody in the world has a fair chance to obtain their QI and remain truly decentralized

● In a few years, you may pay from your phone app and online services in QI

Mining in QI

As a private blockchain, there will not be too many miners in the network, so hashing power will be low. Because of this, you can mine with a simple CPU and very small resources. QI uses this system using a parameter called mining diversity, which restricts mining diversity ≤ 1. The mining diversity parameter describes the robustness of the system The legitimacy of the block is guaranteed as follows

● Apply all the permissions changes defined by transactions in the block in order.

● Calculate the number of permitted miners defined after applying those changes.

● Repeat the miners with a variety of mines, collecting to find space.

● If a miner of this block has excavated one of the previous space blocks 1, that block is invalid. This enforces a round-robin schedule, in which the permitted miners must create blocks in rotation in order to generate a valid blockchain

Multicurrency blockchains

QI solves the problem by encrypting the identification and quantity of all assets in each transaction output, using the extension provided in the bitcoin. The transaction guarantee law is expanded to ensure that the total value of all assets in the transaction results is exactly the same as the total value of its input. This equity requirement is stronger than the natural monetary barrier, where the output may be less than the input, with the difference collected as revenue by the miners.

Blockchain Messaging

The private blockchain can provide authenticated and anonymous messages, using the same method as the CoinSpark bitcoin protocol. There are two main uses for messaging. First, it can be used to supplement the important context of a financial blockchain transaction, such as a contract, receipt, or invoice. Alternatively, it can be used for pure unwritten communication without related financial transactions. In any case, the details in the blockchain enable the sender and recipient to verify the time and content of the written letter

Benefits of QI Blockchain

• Cheaper compared to other blockchains. As an investor looking to make a profit, the cost will not be a problem for small investors.

• The use in the real world will be limitless.
• Our transaction is confirmed in a few seconds at a low cost.
• Bulk supply of coins and as trees dont grow to heaven, QIs currency is greatly undervalued compared to BTC, ETH, Ripple, BNB, etc.

• No Stipulation code
• The excessive strength cost, extended pressure at the environment, related unfavorable media coverage, growing centralization of mining operations, and coffee transaction throughput will in all likelihood make it unviable within the lengthy run

• Sustainable low Transaction fees even in times of high usage
• Use of lightning network
• One of the Fastest blockchains ensuring almost real-time transacting.
• Transaction speed of 1500-2000 tps/sec


Given the number of strong partnerships that have been formed in this ecosystem, Qi is definitely a blockchain infrastructure solution to look out for. Qi is the only blockchain that the world will ever need to be decentralized, secure, eco-friendly, and developer friendly. Qi can be used for a wide variety of innovative applications in finance, web browsing, gaming, advertising, de-fi, identity management, web 3.0, metaverse, and supply chain management all over the world.

Author : kemi123
QI wallet address:  0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Ciao a tutti, questo nuovo post vorrei presentarvi un progetto Brunowallet molto interessante e buono, e per maggiori dettagli andiamo alla discussione seguente:

Oggi parlerò del miglior portafoglio decentralizzato con piattaforma di autostaking. Auto-staking? Per quanto riguarda il componente funzionante, i token di staking automatico saranno token con un inventario versatile (usa il calcolo del rebase), adatti per l'auto-marcatura di nuovi token ogni 15-30 minuti. Pur possedendo questi token, i clienti hanno la possibilità di espandere le proprie risorse fino al 100.000% di APY come interesse accumulato. implica che i clienti devono semplicemente acquistare-trattenere-guadagnare, acquistare token e archiviare token sul portafoglio (ex Metamask), la quantità di token aumenterà naturalmente. Questa è esattamente la cosa esatta che premia i clienti per le entrate automatiche ricorrenti che fondamentalmente detengono token.

Quindi la domanda è: da dove i progetti ottengono le loro entrate per pagare le entrate ai clienti a un tasso così alto?

Quella risposta è Commissioni fiscali. Durante l'acquisto, la vendita o l'invio di token, i clienti devono pagare un dazio come indicato dalle linee guida, in genere dall'11% al 25% a seconda dell'impegno. Queste spese verranno utilizzate per pagare i costi del prestito ai clienti in modo coerente, utilizzate per bilanciare, fornire liquidità o allo stesso modo possono essere spostate in un'area di salvataggio per fornire liquidità quando richiesto. Inoltre, alcune imprese lo utilizzeranno per acquistare e consumare token in seguito.

Come vengono determinati i premi di marcatura?

Ogni organizzazione blockchain potrebbe utilizzare un approccio alternativo per elaborare i premi di marcatura. Alcuni vengono modificati blocco per blocco, considerando vari elementi. Questi possono includere:

il numero di monete che il validatore sta contrassegnando

da quanto tempo il validatore sta effettivamente contrassegnando

il numero totale di monete contrassegnate sull'organizzazione

il tasso di espansione

elementi diversi

Per alcune organizzazioni diverse, segnare ancora nell'aria come una tariffa adeguata. Questi premi vengono trasmessi ai validatori come una sorta di compenso per l'espansione. L'espansione spinge i clienti a spendere le loro monete invece di detenerle, il che potrebbe espandere il loro utilizzo come moneta digitale. In ogni caso, con questo modello, i validatori possono accertare esattamente la cosa esatta che contrassegna la ricompensa che possono anticipare.

Introduzione su Bruno Wallet

Brunowallet è un portafoglio decentralizzato con contrassegno automatico direttamente alla tua posizione in eccesso di 10 monete distinte. Ignora il contrassegno sul tuo record e il pagamento delle spese di prelievo. Tutti i clienti Brunowallet ottengono la tariffa giornaliera dalla marcatura automatica direttamente al loro indirizzo di marcatura automatica. Brunowallet non memorizza i dati individuali e non ha accesso ai beni dei clienti. Ogni cliente dopo l'arruolamento riceve una notevole chiave riservata che dovrebbe arrivare al suo record.

BRUNOWallet Autostaking

Ottieni entrate automatizzate utilizzando un altro tipo di autostake decentralizzato

Utilizzando l'autostaking decentralizzato, ottieni entrate ricorrenti e automatizzate direttamente nella tua posizione da dove è stato emanato l'autostaking


BRW è un token realizzato sulla rete Ethereum che assumerà un ruolo fondamentale nell'ambiente Bruno

Ogni detentore di BRW avrà una commissione dello 0% durante lo scambio su Bruno DEX

Ogni titolare BRW avrà lo 0% di spese di prelievo da Brunowallet

Ogni detentore di BRW avrà una commissione dello 0% durante l'utilizzo del Marketplace NFT


Ogni settimana Brunowallet tiene un'estrazione di 1 ETH tra i possessori di BRW Per partecipare alla lotteria devi solo tenere 100.000 BRW al tuo indirizzo

Friday, May 27, 2022

BridgeSwap is a good project

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project BRIDGESWAP that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Bridgeswap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to exchange crypto tokens instantly, provide liquidity and stake for rewards in the form of yields.
Bridgeswap Purpose

Bridgeswap Destinations is to bridge Defi on Web 3.0 from traditional finance in a decentralized way to create a fair global economy that is sustainable, accessible, and community-driven DAO. To achieve this, Bridgeswap has introduced four innovative products which include:Bridge swap trades
Bridgeswap farms
Bridgeswap pools
Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 zap and Bridgeswap lottery


Most Defi protocols struggle to get enough liquidity for their protocol’s operation. So there’s a constant battle among various Defi protocols for liquidity for services like yield farming, staking, borrowing, etc. Defi protocols rely on the liquidity of their protocol users for their operation. They rent liquidity for their operations and don’t own the liquidity. This comes with a lot of challenges.

Bridegswap’s solution to this problem is the Defi 2.0 zap. This new and unique system lets liquidity providers swap their liquidity pools for discounted Bris tokens. Bridegswap gets its liquidity from this system and wouldn’t have to solely rely on liquidity providers for our liquidity pools. The liquidity gained from Defi 2.0 zap is stored in a designated wallet as a reserve.

Bridgeswap can fall on this liquidity when needed. This accumulated liquidity ensures liquidity longevity, thereby avoiding the liquidity problems most Defi protocols face in the long run.

Token Information

Token Name : BridgeSwap
Token Symbol : BRIS
Chain : BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
Initial Supply : 2,200,000
Earn $BRIS tokens from Farms and Pools, win it in the lottery, or buy it on the exchange, then explore its Use Cases:

Stake it in Pools to earn free crypto tokens .
Use it in Yield Farms to earn more BRIS .
Buy Lottery tickets in The BridgeSwap Lottery.
Vote on proposals relating to the BRIS DAO Governance.


Q1 2022BridgeSwap Mainnet DEX Development
Farms & Pools Development.
Defi 2.0 Zap Development.

BRIS Vault Development (Auto-Compounding BRIS-BRIS Pool )
Lottery Development (Deflationary Mechanism) : The lottery is not only a chance for you to win more BRIS token but also a burning mechanism for us to keep the value of the token stable.
Referral Program Development

Q2 2022IDO Launch for BRIS token.
BridgeSwap Mainnet DEX Launch
Farms & Pools Launch
Lottery Launch
Referral Program Launch
BRIS Vault Launch (Auto-Compounding BRIS-BRIS Pool )
Defi 2.0 Zap Launch
Announce Partnerships
Trading Mining Development
DAO Governance using BRIS tokens Development.

Q3 2022Info & Analytics Development
Trading Battle
Portfolio Management

Q4 2022Cross-Chain Integration

Q1 2023BridgeSwap NFT Ecosystem
More to Be Announced

Author : kemi123
BSC Wallet : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Sunday, May 15, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good Workquest project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

The WorkQuest DAO is launching a decentralized application (dapp) on the Ethereum blockchain. WorkQuest is a dapp that provides the most transparent and efficient decentralized job market online. It is designed to connect employers and employees in a meritocratic way. The platform is designed to prioritize skills, knowledge, and qualifications over everything else, removing biases and prejudices that plague centralized job markets. The concept was to create a platform that is capable of matching all job seekers in the world with employers who are in need of their skills. From day one, the goal was to create a platform that would be completely decentralized and free from censorship. Most of the job market platforms today are centralized. This means that the platforms can be censored by their owners, which can have a negative impact on both job seekers and employers.

WorkQuest is a job market based on a decentralized community economy. We are a global community of developers, designers, marketers and business experts, who strive to create the best product on a truly global scale. Everyone who wants to work will find a suitable job here. WorkQuest is a blockchain-based, peer-to-peer, job market that enables people from all over the world to find jobs and earn money, using their knowledge and experience. The WorkQuest dApp will be built on the Decentraland virtual platform. It will be a fully immersive experience, which will allow the employer and employee to interact in a futuristic and creative environment. The dApp will allow employers to post job ads and to hire employees, as well as to interact with other employers, employees and WorkQuest service providers. It will also offer users the opportunity to create their own unique avatar, which will be a 3D model of themselves, who can interact with other users and earn MANA, the internal currency of the Decentraland ecosystem.

Benefits of WorkQuest Platform

WorkQuest is a decentralized job platform, that connects companies and workers from all over the world. The platform allows users to find jobs from various locations, complete them and earn tokens. WorkQuest is unique in its kind, as it utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized job market, that is not controlled by any system or single company. By using the WorkQuest platform, you can take part in the new job market, which is much more effective than the existing one. These corporations have many things in common, including their centralized and traditional approach to managing information about job offers and job seekers. These corporations charge employers for their services and make it difficult for small businesses to compete in the job market. This creates a fundamental problem that is faced by all online job sites.

WorkQuest is a decentralized job market where you can apply for jobs, hire employees and freelancers, and post tasks or projects. The WorkQuest platform will provide a unique opportunity to the participants of the labor market and those seeking for jobs or employment. The platform is a place where people can find jobs, where employers can post vacancies and projects, where a freelancer can find a gig and where one can hire and manage employees. The platform will also help to facilitate the interaction between the project owner and the freelancer. The interaction will be transparent, and the parties will be able to access information about each other. WorkQuest is a decentralized job market, where users are able to search for new jobs and employers are able to publish their offers. WorkQuest is decentralizing the global job market to help people from developing countries access better job opportunities, and to help employers find the best candidates for their needs.

The WorkQuest Roadmap

The WorkQuest roadmap is a key aspect of our project. In order to achieve our ultimate goal of decentralization, we first need to build a secure and fully functional platform. The next step is to open our website to the masses, so that employers and employees from all over the globe can take advantage of the WorkQuest platform. The final phase of the project is to create an open-source codebase for WorkQuest, so that anyone can create their own decentralized job market.

Workquest is a decentralized job market that is based on the blockchain technology. It's a platform that will revolutionize the way people find job opportunities and gain work experience. Imagine that all competitors are working together to create the best experience for their users, which is unlike any other job market in the world. Workquest has a vision of making a decentralized job market that is based on an innovative blockchain technology. We will try to give our users an opportunity to earn while they learn and gain work experience by combining the best from blockchain technology and the best from the job market.


Work Quest depends on the blockchain with the vital motivation behind empowering people to look for a job and permit representatives to distinguish the right possibility to fill work opportunities. Accordingly, it capacities by facilitating the correspondence among managers and workers. To guarantee the stage’s usefulness and the fruitful activity of the association, the association works under a computerized stage with the necessary arrangement of rules. Above is a superior comprehension of the Work Quest DAO and the stage’s tokens that empower clients to go with the ideal choices while dealing with the stage.

#WorkQuest $WQT $WUSD #WorkNet #WorkQuestApp #blockchian #crypto #cryptolife #BTC #BNB #ETH #digitalization #digitalassets #saving #BinanceSmartChain

For more informationWebsite : https://workquest.co/
Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJu91wQLdjJQJLLZA2SqgLu9qqLktyQ0/preview
Medium : https://workquest.medium.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/WorkQuestChat
Twitter : https://twitter.com/workquest_co
Youtube :

Author ; kemi123

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good Chatforma project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

At the most important level, a chatbot is a PC program that reproduces and processes human discussions (written or spoken), allowing people to interact with computer devices as if they were talking to a real person. A chatbot is a PC product or program that reproduces human discussions or "conversations" via text or voice communication. Customers in business-to-shopper (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) environments are gradually using chatbot remote assistants to complete tasks in real time.

About Chatforma

Chatforma is a well-known manufacturer of multifunctional chatbots in Russia and the CIS. With it, you can automate the process of communicating with customers, increasing sales. You can create a chatbot in just ten minutes without having any programming skills.

We have been working in the market for a long time and managed to gather not only a very professional staff of specialists, but also a large client base. With the help of Chatforma, bots for hotels, gyms, dance schools, food delivery services, and professional photographers have been created and launched. Whatever your business is doing, with our help you can definitely create bots and automate the process of communicating with customers!

Now our company has entered a new stage of development — we have created an internal blockchain-based currency called C-BOT (CBT), which can be exchanged for company services, after accepting the most favorable conditions of cooperation. The CBT token will appear on cryptocurrency exchanges soon, and its price will increase as the company develops, but in the meantime, you have the opportunity to get to know us and our company better and make the right investment decisions!

Chatbot Feature Chat

-bots built with Chatforma allow you to connect messengers with third-party services such as calendars or CRM systems. They can communicate with customers via text messages, as well as provide them with various photo materials, convenient order forms or registrations. When a customer places an order, company employees automatically receive all necessary notifications for the provision of services.

The chatbots that we create are suitable for use in any field. If it is important for a company to establish competent communication with customers, Chatforma will help. Chatbots in no way replace support services, but help optimize their work and allow you to stay in touch 24 hours a day.

Platform Operation

Chat forms are integrated with data from more than 2,000 services: Google Sheets, MySklad, Gmail, Slack, etc. Users can test the constructor - our site has a test mode that lasts for 15 days. There you can also find all the necessary instructions, video files and materials that explain in detail the algorithms for creating an effective chat bot.

Our advantage

We have experience in various market segments — more than 74,000 bots have been created using the functionality of our platform. You can find the most interesting and successful ones in the Cases section of our website. Chatforma functionality allows you to create chat bots of any complexity, both for personal sites and for any messenger.

In other words, the Chatforma service will allow you to automate most of your typical business processes. Bots created with it will be able to perform a number of routine tasks. The bot we created has been used by more than 2,500,000 people.


Simplify your user experience by answering questions in the following categories:

General information about operating modes.
Collection of user data through forms for business info.

Order acceptance.

Newsletters and notifications.
Answers to frequently asked questions.
User segmentation to distribute special offers.



The benefits of using chatbots in business are as follows:

Entering the messenger audience means working with clients where they already exist.

Save employee time by automating processes.
Increase sales through the use of newsletters.

The chatbot can act as a sales manager, periodically providing helpful advice and discreetly talking about company products.

Collect feedback from customers.


We are developing this ecosystem for more efficient and inexpensive settlements, we have created our own blockchain-based internal currency called C-BOT (CBT), which can later be used to pay for enterprise services. The CBT token will appear on cryptocurrency exchanges, and as the company grows, its price will only grow. For holders of this currency there will be special advantages and privileges.

Total emission and distribution parameters of CBT tokens

Private Sales : 8,566,233
General Pre Sales : 31,433,767
Development Team: 20,000,000
Prize Fund : 30,000,000
Reserve Fund : 110,000,000
Total CBT Tokens : 200,000,000


We managed to move along the roadmap and confidently fulfill our task.

We expanded the development staff, increased the number of servers, launched our own affiliate program module in the constructor, launched Instagram bots, bots for managing chats and channels on Telegram, etc.

Nov 2021 - Feb 2022 : Expansion of developer staff, increased number of servers for stable operation with some base growth.

Nov - Dec 2021 : Special affiliate program module inside constructor

Dec 2021: Bot to manage chats and channels on Telegram

Nov 2021 - Feb 2022 : Instagram bots and bots to manage work in chats, channels, public and private.

Nov 2021 - Apr 2022 : Canvas for the visual funnel of the message chain. Direct integration with Claud Paymants. Analytics on bot users.

Mar - Apr 2022 : Added English version and language switcher
Mar - Jun 2022 : Payment gateway integration: fiat and crypto
Mar - Jun 2022 : Infrastructure for CBT token interaction
Mar - Jun 2022 : Multiplatform bot, one window for dialogue. Integration with NLU, AI - for the possibility of self-learning bots and full-text recognition

Apr - Oct 2022 : What's App bots and bots to manage work on chats, channels, public and private.

Jun 2022 - Feb 2023 : Additional monetization services for clients and platforms:

Services for creating and working with plugins. Authors can provide access and income from sales. Platforms earn %. The plugin allows you to independently connect bots to any site

bot ad exchange. Bot writers with large subscription bases can sell advertising mail. Platforms earn %
Feb - Jul, 2023 : Infrastructure Development and Proof of Stake Consensus Algorithm

Feb 2024 : Burning CBT coins


A project backed by a real product will naturally find demand, and this happens with chatform bots. the concept and execution of this project shows great potential, so I think adding this project to your portfolio is a wise decision. For further updates via read to stay connected with the team, use the link below.

Useful Links:

Website: https://www.chatforma.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/chatforma/
Telegram channel : https://t.me/chatforma
Telegram Bot : https://t.me/chatformabot
Discord: https://discord.gg/CSEyeYJ3Yv
Vk : https://vk.com/chatforma
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiA6Yd

Author : kemi123
BSC wallet : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Qenetex wallet is a secure multi-cryptocurrency and cross-blockchain asset management platform

Hello everyone, this new post I would like to introduce about a very interesting and good Qenetex project i.e. and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Qenetex plans to effectively foster the fragment of trading digital currency for government issued currency. For these reasons, our group fosters a framework that totals purchase/sell suppliers from around the world in one spot. The reason for Qenetex is to give clients the most broad rundown of suppliers, comprising of both notable worldwide organizations and generally little neighborhood administrations. Every supplier added to the framework is painstakingly chosen by the group. Alongside security, our most significant need is the nature of the subsequent client experience.

In this manner, Qenetex picks the most beneficial purchase/sell offers from the chose suppliers in every particular case. Qenetex plans to work around the world, aside from endorsed nations with the forced digital currency boycott.

Qenetex grows the exchanging capacities of the crypto wallet by adding multitrading usefulness. It permits clients to get to different famous trades inside a solitary wallet interface. Subsequent to associating the trade by bringing in its API key, clients can:

store and pull out digital currencies to their non-custodial wallet
access edge exchanging, set stop-misfortune and take-benefit orders
screen action between trades.

This usefulness will be particularly advantageous and valuable for ICO financial backers and clients that participate in exchange exchanging or trade uncommon resources.

The vital highlights of the Qenetex stage include:

All usefulness fundamental for crypto resource the executives: secure non-custodial capacity, sending/getting capacities, worked in measurements and investigation, and HD-way to deal with working with keys and addresses.

Purchase/sell highlight, trade of cryptographic forms of money with the assistance of our inventive and clever Exchange Search Engine (ESE) that can look for the best trade rates among totaled trades and liquidity suppliers, including the structure of trade courses through a few suppliers and decentralized trades.

Multitrading administration that empowers advantageous administration of resources put on different crypto trades inside one stage. The usefulness of this assistance incorporates store and withdrawal of digital forms of money, exemplary cutoff orders as well as stop-misfortune and take-benefit orders, edge exchanging, observing of movement on various trades, and so on

Investment in liquidity pools of decentralized trades (DEXes) associated with the stage.
Investment in DeFi administrations associated with the stage;

Buy and situation of things on amassed NFT commercial centers, including various organizations, inside a solitary point of interaction of the Qenetex stage.

The Qenetex Launchpool administration that permits clients to get to cultivating at the beginning phases of tasks’ turn of events.

The Qenetex token is a bookkeeping unit for paying for inside buys, memberships, and commissions of items and administrations given by the Qenetex stage (counting MultiTrade and Launchpool). Also, it conveys limits for paying commissions for purchase/sell and trade tasks, posting new tokens and coins in the wallets, adding new ventures to the

Launchpool, and so forth Installment of the commission in the token (QEX expense) gives huge advantages while involving such administrations as Exchange, Buy/Sell, DeFi, and NFT. The QEX expense can be twice more modest than the standard commission and may turn out to be considerably more modest assuming a client has a dependability level.

Qenetex offers extra ways of associating with the Qenetex wallets. Clients can synchronize their cell phones with the work area by means of QR, access and reestablish wallets with reinforcement expresses, and download reinforcement records. Qenetex Wallet has a few supportive underlying elements:
Progressed and adaptable exchange search devices

Exchange data

Block pilgrim and cryptographic exchange locater - clients can search for any exchange that always occurred on the blockchain.

Loyalty Program

The Qenetex token is additionally a bookkeeping unit for the Loyalty Program. This program has a few inward levels that permit the symbolic holders to get long haul limits for the Qenetex administrations. The cashback installments additionally rely upon a client’s obtained level. Clients with the most elevated level of dedication are given extra rewards, for example, a total shortfall of commissions inside the Qenetex stage and extra cashback installments for certain administrations.

Farming Programs

Our group planned a few parts of cultivating to foster the biological system and fill liquidity pools, accordingly guaranteeing the continuous activity:

Early LP Farming
Yield Farming
Cashback Provision
GTx Cashback.

Every one of the introduced programs energizes dynamic interest in the turn of events and backing of the biological system. Clients will consequently get QEX for keeping up with liquidity, participating in the Loyalty Program, and guaranteeing the continuous stable activity of the Cashback Program and the gasless exchanges innovation.


The Launchpool stage is a critical piece of the Qenetex biological system that empowers the total and posting of different blockchain projects at the beginning phases of their turn of events. The stage’s motivation is to permit clients to enter the early conveyance program of coins got ready for discharge and get awards for moving their assets to fill ventures’ liquidity pools. Thus, those activities get the chance to draw in resources expected to give essential liquidity. Everything QEX holders can take part in this program by swearing their Qenetex tokens for resources of their decision (among those introduced on the stage) and get programmed installments in relating resources.

Liquidity Providing

The symbolic holders have the chance to keep up with QEX liquidity by giving their resources for the liquidity pools of decentralized trades (DEXes). Upkeep of the liquidity pools makes solidness for the token available for use and permits the members to get a steady additional pay. Additionally, notwithstanding the installments from commissions from trades inside this pool (paid by DEXes), every member will naturally get the Qenetex tokens by enlisting their LP token on the Qenetex stage in the Yield Farming Program.


To keep up with positive and useful criticism from the local area, the Qenetex group plans t foster an exceptional democratic framework accessible for all QEX holders. Involving the token as a unit of casting a ballot weight, every client can offer, backing, or reject any drive. Subsequent to getting criticism from the local area and a few vital clients of the stage, the Qenetex group will actually want to stay up with the latest and think about all solicitations and wants for the turn of events and backing of the environment.

The arrangement of inner activities with QEX depends on the Binance Smart Chain savvy contract. Consequently, clients can without much of a stretch confirm the framework straightforwardness and be positive about the wellbeing of their resources. It is here and there important to report information to the blockchain for this framework to work, which requires gas in BNB (the Binance Smart Chain coin). For the clients’ accommodation, the Qenetex group has fostered an arrangement of gasless tasks with the Qenetex token. This framework permits clients to spend QEX without paying gas to Binance Smart Chain.

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2692033

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Pokemonio - An innovative project based on the Binance Smart Chain network

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good  <Pokemonio>  project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

@PokemonioToken $POK #Launchpad #NFT #Invest #gems #BSC #Binance


Young people or middle-aged people in the current era include childhood, where Pokemon was an all-time hit in terms of adventure and entertainment. Combining this concept with DeFi The NFT hybrid market is a toast to the pokephilic. It's more like living under a rock if one hasn't heard of the recent Non-Fungible Token (NFT) craze. Celebrities, digital artists and other creatives are preparing to publish their work on the blockchain. It is a cryptocurrency that stands for something unique, collectible and non-replicable.

A shiny Pokémon card is an easy comparison for an NFT. Anyone can make one and make it appear almost comparable to a real one by printing it. But in the mind of a collector, it's not the same. The shiny Pokémon card is valuable to us because of its rarity and authenticity. With an NFT, it's the same. You can, of course, download the NFT's accompanying image or item, but this does not imply that you own it. Digital artworks, melodies, gifs, and videos are more likely to have their own NFT. NFTs' other financial staking products can even be used to symbolize video game treasures. Because crypto art and NFTs aren't bound to a single format, the sky's the limit when it comes to your new NFT's originality. It all depends on the network you choose to create your token.


PokeDex - exchange BEP20 tokens in seconds: PokeDex is a unique and decentralized token exchange - built on the Binance Smart Chain. You can easily exchange different BEP20 tokens - safely, without waiting, paying only symbolic chain fees. Connect your wallet, find the tokens you want to trade (choose from the list or import your own tokens by pasting the contract address), exchange your tokens instantly with just one click.

PokeStaking - earn passive income: Bet different BEP20 tokens on the PokeStaking platform and earn passive income in POK tokens. The more tokens you bet, the more you earn. You can withdraw your staked prizes and tokens at any time.
PokeNFT Marketplace - Buy and sell NFT

PokeNFT is a decentralized marketplace for buying, selling and trading digital goods - such as game items, art, music, videos, images and more built on non-fungible token technology (NFT) and run on the Binance Smart Chain.

Choose between different crypto wallets and connect to our NFT Marketplace.

Create and setup your own NFT collection. Add social links, descriptions, images and set a secondary selling fee.

Upload your work (images, videos, audio, art, etc.), add titles and descriptions, and customize your NFT with unlockable properties, stats and content.

Choose how you want to sell your NFT - use auction, fixed price list, or drop price list.

Sell your NFT and receive crypto to your wallet!
Why Pokemonio?

Why is it worth choosing our token? The most important advantages that make us stand out from the competition.

Secure & Safe: Pokemonio smart contract has been fully audited by a top specialized company, therefore the community can feel 100% safe.

Liquidity Locked: After Pokemonio listing on exchange liquidity will be locked on Unicrypt network for an entire years, so investors do not have to worry about their funds.

Token Redistribution: 2% of each transaction will be redistributed - as reward for token holders and for marketing.

Monthly Burning: Every month, the Team will proceed with manual token burning, which will gradually increase the value of the Pokemonio token in the feature.

Passive Income: After staking and lending implementation, holders will have the opportunity to earn an additional passive reward - paid in Pokemonio tokens.

Fast Transactions with Low Fees: Due to the fact that Pokemonio works on a Binance Smart Chain - users can complete transactions in seconds, paying very low transaction fees.

PokeApp - All Pokemonio products in one place

We plan to create a modern and intuitive application called "PokeApp" in which you will be able to easily manage your POK tokens and use all available products. Application will be available in both - computer and mobile versions.

Main advantages of the application:
Possibility to connect various wallets - including the most popular - such as Metamask, Binance Wallet and TrustWallet

Quick access to all Pokemonio products - like Staking, Exchange, Games and more
Ability to track the current price of a POK in live

Pokemonio Tokenomics

300 mln POK - Locked for PokeStaking, PokeLending, PokeNFT, PokeGames rewards (60%)

50 mln POK - Pokemonio Token public pre-sale on website (10%)

50 mln POK - Pokemonio Token public sale on Pinksale.Finance (10%)

50 mln POK - Liquidity lock (10%)

15 mln POK - Promotion and Advertisment (3%)

15 mln POK - Exchange listings (3%)

7,5 mln POK - Development (1,5%)

5 mln POK - Reserve (1%)

5 mln POK - Airdrops and Bounty campaign (1%)

2,5 mln POK - Team (0,5%)

Max. Supply: 500 000 000

Pokemonio (POK) contract address: 0x20EF6E8e76bE1C0a8290BaBA950754dfb09BA4Fe
Pokemonio Roadmap 2021/2022

Stay up to date with information about what is happening in Pokemonio.
Below we present the upcoming events in our project:

Phase 1 - Project idea and launch
Project idea

Setting up a Team and development start
Website Launch
Whitepaper release
Roadmap Release
Pokemonio Token (POK) contract creation
Third Party Contract Audit
Public POK Pre-sale (ongoing)
Bounty Campaign (ongoing)
1,000 POK Holders

Phase 2 - Public sale and project growth
Marketing and Promotion Campaign
Public POK Sale on PinkSale.Finance
Pancakeswap exchange listing
CoinMarketCap listing
Coingecko listing
5,000 POK Holders
10,000 Telegram Members
10,000 Followers on Twitter
First partnerships
First CEX listing

Phase 3 - Products launch and project expansion
PokeDex Exchange launch
PokeStaking and PokeLending launch
Top 20 Exchange listing
20,000 POK Holders
20,000 Telegram Members
20,000 Followers on Twitter
Influencers Marketing

Phase 4 - Next Products Launch and Marketing
PokeNFT Marketplace launch
First PokeGame release
PokeApp application launch (PC/Laptop version)
50,000 POK Holders
Top 10 Exchange listing
Feature Products Development
Roadmap v2 Release
Meet Pokemonio Team

@PokemonioToken $POK #Launchpad #NFT #Invest #gems #BSC #Binance

This is what I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:

WEBSITE : https://pokemonio.com/
WHITEPAPER : https://pokemonio.com/PokemonioWhitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/PokemonioGroup
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/PokemonioToken

Author : kemi123
BSC Wallet Address : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5