Sunday, January 31, 2021

CLEVER DeFi (CLVA) - Unique platform offering guaranteed interest
Thе idea thаt saving іn а bank іѕ thе bеѕt wау tо achieve financial freedom hаѕ rесеntlу bееn proven wrong. Banks offer lоw interest rates, аnd оftеn thе money held іn thе bank depreciates оvеr time. In addition, traditional stocks аnd ETFs, whісh аrе considered thе bеѕt investment opportunities, offer investment interest оf lеѕѕ thаn 10% реr year. ** CLEVER DeFi ** offers а unique solution fоr investors bу creating а decentralized platform thаt guarantees interest еvеrу twо weeks wіthоut strict restrictions. contractual requirements related tо ordinary savings аnd investments.

Mоѕt security transactions today tаkе place uѕіng cryptocurrency аnd e-wallets. Consequently, investors аrе lооkіng fоr а safer аnd mоrе reliable platform tо protect thеіr money. Thеrе аrе аlѕо ѕоmе risks due tо thе mаnу benefits іt receives, ѕо thе IT company іѕ thinking аbоut making сhаngеѕ tо thе transaction process. Thіѕ change іѕ оnlу роѕѕіblе thrоugh thе development оf а mоrе reliable, reliable, user-friendly аnd secure platform.

Whаt іѕ CLEVER DeFi?
CLEVER іѕ а decentralized platform thаt aims tо create аn innovative ecosystem thаt offers unique income opportunities fоr everyone. CLEVER uѕеѕ blockchain technology tо develop а system thаt рrоvіdеѕ аn automatic interest cycle fоr investors. It guarantees payment оf uр tо 11% compound interest еvеrу twо weeks tо аll CLVA token holders wіth automatic payments. Yоu саn thіnk оf CLEVER аѕ а digital smart wау tо save уоur bottom line. Thіѕ рrоvіdеѕ significantly mоrе interest thаn ѕоmе overpriced banking systems.

Token CLEVER (CLVA) dikembangkan dengan dasar-dasar terverifikasi Untuk melampaui Bitcoin dalam structure preset bу tervalidasi yan mencapai pasokan maksimum satu triliun token CLVA selama periode penuh periode siklus 34,15 tahun.

Hоw dоеѕ CLEVER work?
CLEVER DeFi іѕ built оn thе Ethereum network аnd offers а unique smart contract thаt implements thе Decentralized Distribution Mechanism (DDM). DDM іѕ programmed tо perform а routine cycle іn whісh CLVA token holders аrе paid interest еvеrу twо weeks fоr 888 cycles. In еасh nеw 14-day cycle, thе DDM (Decentralized Distribution Mechanism) іѕ triggered bу invoking а predefined cycle schedule tо automatically print аnd deliver thе allocated CLVA amount tо beneficiaries, thеrеbу increasing thе market cap аnd individual vаluе оf thе CLVA.

Thіѕ mechanism guarantees thе vаluе оf CLVA tokens аnd іѕ responsible fоr distributing interest payments tо investors holding CLVA tokens. Sіnсе іt іѕ implemented dіrесtlу оn thе Ethereum blockchain, thе DDM саnnоt bе changed оr changed оnсе іt іѕ launched. Thіѕ means thаt аll token holders wіll bе paid interest еvеrу 14 days fоr 888 cycles, whісh wіll tаkе approximately 34.15 years tо complete.

Thе ability tо earn compound interest income
Onе оf thе main features оf CLEVER DeFi іѕ thе ability tо earn compound interest whіlе holding CLVA tokens. Aссоrdіng tо thе tokenomics оf thе project, CLVA holders whо hold thеіr tokens fоr а year wіll bе аblе tо earn uр tо 307% interest оn thеіr portfolio аt thе еnd оf thе year.

Thіѕ іѕ еѕресіаllу impressive whеn уоu compare іt tо оthеr crop growing protocols іn thе DeFi sector аnd put CLEVER DeFi аt thе top оf thе list. Also, users whо dо nоt wаnt tо kеер thеіr CLEVER token fоr а long time саn аlѕо show decent interest іn thеіr token.

CLEVER DeFi estimates thаt оvеr а ten-year period, thе average annual percentage return fоr token holders wіll bе 80%. Thіѕ іѕ fаr superior tо оthеr financial assets, including fixed assets lіkе ETFs аnd bitcoins, whісh generate lеѕѕ thаn 15% оvеr а 10 year period. In thіѕ way, investors саn mаkе mоrе profit bу owning CLVA tokens compared tо оthеr conventional financial assets.

Thе impressive
CLEVER DeFi tokenomics hаѕ а well-defined tokenomics thаt dоеѕ nоt promise unrealistic returns fоr holding іtѕ original CLVA tokens. Thіѕ іѕ important bесаuѕе thе DeFi sector іѕ full оf projects wіth poor tokenomics, whісh hinders thе long-term growth оf thеѕе projects.

CLEVER Thе Decentralized Dynamic Engine (DDM) іѕ programmed tо generate а total оf 1 trillion CLVA tokens іn 888 cycles. In addition, thе rewards issued bу CLEVER smart contracts shorten еасh cycle аnd аrе designed tо reduce inflation.

CLEVER DeFi аlѕо enforces thе zеrо supply rule аnd thе development team dоеѕ nоt оwn thе CLVA token. Thіѕ іѕ а good measure, аѕ thеrе hаvе bееn cases іn thе DeFi sector whеrе founders ordered pre-printed tokens аnd threw thеm аwау аftеr launch, leading tо а drop іn prices.

Inѕtеаd оf generating tokens іn advance, thе CLEVER DeFi team wіll receive 0.1% оf CLVA tokens printed реr cycle. Thеѕе rewards wіll bе uѕеd fоr development purposes аnd represent а fraction оf thе tokens printed реr cycle.

Thе fully decentralized
CLEVER DeFi offers а complete decentralized service іn whісh users hаvе complete control оvеr thеіr funds. Thеrе аrе nо binding terms оf thе contract, аnd thе user іѕ nоt required tо enter thе rate period bеfоrе receiving interest. Thіѕ ensures thаt thеrе іѕ freedom tо move CLVA tokens wіthоut penalties аnd blocking restrictions.

CLEVER Defi hits thе mark wіth іtѕ DeFi service. Thеrе аrе nо unrealistic promises аnd false symbols. Thе DeFi platform hаѕ successfully integrated systems offering interest based оn routine cycles. Thus, CLEVER DeFi іѕ а nеw wау оf storing tokens аnd guaranteed returns.

CLVA Token Token
Ticker: CLVA
Initial Supply: 0
Maximum Supply: 1 Trillion

Sо thе fіrѕt true DeFi Cryptocurrency protocol іѕ fully guaranteed fоr personal аnd business transactions. Thе Mass Adoption Initiative іѕ аn important step tоwаrdѕ educating thе world population аbоut thіѕ innovative approach. Digitalization wіll reach nеw heights аftеr thе popularity оf thіѕ platform. Tо find оut more, уоu саn visit thе website аnd read еасh feature іn detail. Thеrе аrе interesting videos tо hеlр уоu сlеаrlу understand thе process оf uѕіng thе platform.

Website project :

Author : kemi123

Saturday, January 16, 2021

SugarLive - Die Social Video Entertainment-Plattform zum Verbinden, Interagieren und Senden

Hallo meine Freunde, bei dieser Gelegenheit werde ich interessante Informationen über das Projekt bereitstellen. SugarLive ist interessant. Schauen wir uns die Bewertungen unten an
$SLV #DeFi #BSC 

Trotz des Aufschwungs von Coronavirus haben die Kryptoinvestitionen floriert. Da die meisten Länder strenge Kapitalkontrollen durchführen, um den Geldfluss zu kontrollieren und hohe Steuern zu erheben, wurde die Kryptowährung zunehmend zur Umgehung von Kapitalkontrollen und Steuern eingesetzt, was zu einem Anstieg der Nachfrage führte. Cryptocurrency konnte eine einfach zu verwendende digitale Alternative zu Fiat-Währungen präsentieren. Anleger, die reibungslose Transaktionen und Inflationskontrolle anbieten, waren vorsichtig genug, diese Währungen als Aktivposten in ihre diversifizierten Portfolios aufzunehmen, da die Größe des Marktes kein systemisches Risiko darstellt. Kryptowährung verwendet die Verwendung von Kryptografie, die Hochsicherheitsprozesse gewährleistet und Transaktionen überprüft, die für jeden Benutzer persönlich sind. Fälschungen und anonyme Transaktionen sind daher nicht möglich.

Während diese Revolution breite Akzeptanz findet, ist Sugarlive, eine Social-Media-Anwendung, die auf einem sozialen Live-Streaming-Video-Netzwerk basiert, das unterhaltsame Videoinhalte enthält und indonesische kulturelle Werte aufweist, angekommen.

"Social Media-Netzwerke spielen in vielen Aspekten unseres modernen Lebens eine wichtige Rolle. Die Kryptowährung hat einen fairen Anteil an Interaktionen mit Social Media, von denen viele ziemlich einzigartig sind. Der Wert von Bitcoin liegt ebenso in der Idee dahinter wie in der Technologie, die dahinter steckt Viele verschiedene Formen von Social Media - von ehrwürdigen Medien wie Internet Relay Chat (IRC) und Diskussionsforen bis hin zu den neuesten Apps und Websites wie Facebook, Twitter, Slack und Telegram - haben dazu beigetragen, diese Idee zu verbreiten.

Bitcoin ist in das Mainstream-Bewusstsein explodiert, und heute gibt es keinen Mangel an Informationskanälen, die die Währung abdecken. Sie können praktisch jede Social-Media-Plattform verwenden, um sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Welt von Bitcoin zu informieren. Facebook, Reddit und Twitter sind besonders beliebte Plattformen, um Bitcoin zu diskutieren und Informationen auszutauschen. Diese weit verbreitete Popularität hat dazu beigetragen, eine Reihe verschiedener Kryptowährungslösungen bekannt zu machen.

Social Media-Netzwerke spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von Kryptowährungen sowie bei der Kommunikation ihrer Benutzer. Unternehmen, Entwickler, Altcoin-Teams und sogar Journalisten, die sich mit Kryptowährung befassen, verwenden Social-Media-Tools wie Telegram und Slack, um ihre Bemühungen zu koordinieren. Diese Plattformen ermöglichen weit verbreiteten Teams aus der ganzen Welt eine effektive Zusammenarbeit. Diese neue, holokratische Form der Gruppenarbeit hat zu neuen Paradigmen für die Organisation von High-Tech-Unternehmen geführt. "

Vor diesem Hintergrund wird Sugarlive die lokalen Inhaltsersteller umfassend unterstützen, um kreative Inhalte zu erstellen, die typisch für die aktuelle Generation Indonesiens sind und informativ, unterhaltsam, lehrreich und vor allem informativ sind. Sehr indonesisch.

Jetzt, wo ich Ihre Aufmerksamkeit habe, lassen Sie uns gleich loslegen.

Was genau ist Sugarlive?
Wie oben dargestellt und auf der offiziellen Website von Sugarlive angegeben, ist Sugarlive eine Social-Media-Anwendung, die auf einem sozialen Live-Streaming-Video-Netzwerk basiert, das unterhaltsame Videoinhalte enthält und indonesische kulturelle Werte aufweist.

Inhaltsersteller und Rundfunkveranstalter in Indonesien aus aller Welt können neue Inhalte verbreiten, die live auf Sugarlive übertragen werden. Denken Sie daran, dass Sugarlive eine Live-Streaming-Plattform ist, sodass Content-Ersteller und Rundfunkveranstalter sofort direkt mit ihren Fans auf dem gesamten Archipel interagieren können. Hören Sie sich Kommentare an, erhalten Sie Feedback und natürlich Anerkennung. Die wechselseitige Interaktion zwischen dem Idol und seinen Fans findet live in jeder Sugarlive-Sendung statt.

Die Vision
Als Antrag der Kinder des Landes möchte Sugarlive Indonesien auch in der internationalen Welt stolz machen. Sugarlive möchte der indonesischen Kultur, Kunst und dem Tourismus einen größeren Expositionsraum bieten, um sie in den Augen der Welt noch bekannter zu machen.

Die Mission
Sugarlive möchte ein Mittel sein, um die Kommunikations- und Interaktionsbedürfnisse der heutigen Mainstream-Generationen zu erfüllen. Gleichzeitig möchte Sugarlive ein spezielles Social Media für Unterhaltung für die heutige Generation sein. Daher wird Sugarlive die lokalen Inhaltsersteller umfassend unterstützen, um kreative Inhalte erstellen zu können, die typisch für die aktuelle Generation Indonesiens sind und informativ, unterhaltsam, lehrreich und vor allem wichtig sind. Sehr indonesisch.

Mit den Funktionen dieser Anwendung können Benutzer in Indonesien Kommentare und digitale Preise abgeben und ihren Lieblingssendern folgen.

Die Vorteile eines offiziellen Gastgebers von Sugarlive
Der Vorteil von OH Sugarlive ist, dass Sie bezahlt werden, wenn Sie jeden Tag aktiv online sind. Sugarlive zahlt Ihnen also, wenn es als offizieller Gastgeber registriert ist.

Die Voraussetzungen, um offizieller Gastgeber von Sugarlive zu werden

Haben Sie Talent und Einsicht

Haben Sie einen Personalausweis und ein Sparbuch
Und muss den Regeln von Sugarlive folgen

Der Gesamtumsatz mit mobilen Apps von Sugar Live belief sich im November 2020 auf <5.000 USD, einschließlich <5.000 USD für iOS-Apps und <5.000 USD für Android-Apps. Die Gesamtzahl der Downloads von mobilen Apps für Sugar Live betrug <5.000, einschließlich <5.000 iOS-App-Downloads und <5.000 Android-App-Downloads. Sugar Live verfügt über insgesamt 1 Apps, darunter 0 iOS-Apps und 1 Android-Apps. Ihre erfolgreichste App im letzten Monat war Sugar Live und ihre am meisten heruntergeladene App war Sugar Live.

Über den Beitritt zum Vorverkauf
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie BNB in ​​Ihrer Brieftasche haben

GAS einstellen: 200.000 (empfohlen)
Senden Sie mindestens 0,05 BNB an unseren Smartcontract [0x591562b039a2f363ae397c988c01fedd06e3ace0]

Warten Sie, bis die Transaktion erfolgreich ist und Sie Ihren SLV erhalten.
SugarLive ist eine soziale Video-Unterhaltungsplattform zum Verbinden, Interagieren und Senden

Die maximale SLV-Versorgung beträgt - 100.000.000
Vorverkaufszuteilung - 10.000.000
Vorverkaufspreis - 120000 Token pro 1 BSC
Publicsale-Preis - 100000 Token pro 1 BSC
Mindestbeitrag für Vorverkauf 0,05 BNB.
Maximal 5 BNB senden.
Zuteilung für Vorverkauf 10.000.000 SLV,
Preis 1 BNB = 100.000 SLV.
Erhalte einen Bonus von 20% auf den Vorverkauf.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Artikel wurde im Rahmen der Kopfgeldkampagne veröffentlicht. Ich bin kein Mitglied des Projektteams oder dessen Vertreter, sondern ein Unterstützer dieses unglaublichen Projekts.

Sei ein Teil dieses unglaublichen Projekts. Laden Sie das Whitepaper herunter, um den vollständigen Überblick zu erhalten.

Bis zum nächsten Mal…

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Friday, January 8, 2021

XSL Labs

If you are interested in joining the project, your XSL Labs should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission
Today is the modern era where almost everyone has a digital device connected to the internet. With the device, users can visit various types of websites or applications as easily as the touch of a finger. However, not many people know that every user activity on the internet is monitored and has value. Big platforms like Google and Facebook have been involved in selling user data to third parties, but not only Google and Facebook, many platforms use their user data and sell it to third parties. This customer data can be in the form of their personal data or activity data, which is very useful for platforms to expand their market.

But this action certainly doesn't benefit the user. When the platform makes money from selling customer data, the customer doesn't get any money from selling that data. Moreover, no one wants their personal data or activities to be tracked or sold to others without their consent - Therefore XSL Labs is here to become an ecosystem that will protect user data. XSL Labs will provide an ecosystem in which several decentralized applications have their respective functions and goals.

Your Data Belongs To You

Your data belongs to you" is the most appropriate slogan to explain what XSL Labs are and what it is for. Data is one of the most valuable assets in this decade, even experts say that data is more valuable than oil. From this statement, we can conclude how valuable the data is - and your data should still be with you, not sold or given to unauthorized parties.

XSL Labs is an ecosystem that intends to protect user privacy and data. Several platforms in XSL Labs such as Pulsar, SDI, SYL Library, and ONE will operate and develop in the future to become platforms that truly understand users and protect their privacy. Meanwhile, XSL Labs will be the ecosystem that will be responsible for the development of these projects and provide SYL tokens as access to these platforms.

XSL Labs Ecosystem

As previously explained, XSL Labs is an ecosystem consisting of several platforms that have their respective functions. The following are details of the platforms;

Pulsar: Pulsar is a distributed ledger that serves as the bedrock for decentralized identifiers and the entire ecosystem of dApps and dApp extensions. Pulsar will be associated with KYC and AML.
SDI: SDI stands for "Secure Digital Identity" will be a set of encrypted personal data that only the user can read. Each data will be encrypted and only the user who has the key can access the data.
SYL Library: SYL Library is a distributed app store that functions like the App Store or Play Store, will display all the services of the SYL ecosystem.

ONE: ONE is a user-friendly distributed app running on Pulsar. This will be a platform for users to control all tools on the Internet of Trust.

In Conclusion

Data is one of the most valuable assets of this decade, it's no surprise that many platforms can earn millions of dollars simply selling their user data. Therefore, XSL Labs is here to be an ecosystem that will protect user data. Within the XSL Labs ecosystem, there are platforms such as Pulsar, SDI, SYL Library, and ONE, which will operate and become a tool that will protect users' digital activities and at the same time enhance their experience - it's time your data belongs to you.


XSL Labs, through SDI, will protect the digital activity of users while improving their daily experience.
Pulsar will be a distributed ledger that will serve as the bedrock for SDI and the SYL ecosystem.
XSL Labs will be the ecosystem that will be responsible for the development of these projects.
ONE is a user-friendly distributed app running on Pulsar.
SDI will be a set of encrypted personal data that only the user can read.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Nayuta Coin


これは、ブロックチェーンやマルチチェーンマーケティングシステムなどの最新テクノロジーを使用して、最新の状態に保つ、ネットワークマーケティングの分野における革新的な分野です。Nayutaは、Crowdsale Networkプラットフォームを通じて追加投資を呼び込むことにより、独自の生産施設を立ち上げる予定です。この目的のために、なゆたコイン「NC」トークンが発行されます。デジタルテクノロジーと暗号産業の協会。私たちは、暗号産業の分野における個々の起業家や法人の利益を代表し、擁護し、保護します。

CrowdsaleNetworkプラットフォームの機能を調べてください。クリエイティブになる準備をしてください!CSNP、CGEN、Nayuta Coinトークンを賭けて、最高賞金$ 1,000 USDTを獲得するチャンスについて、独自のビデオコンテンツを作成して共有します。イベントは9月15日に始まり、11月30日の23:59(UTC)に終わります。


Crowdsale Networkプラットフォームでアカウントを開く方法(リンクまたはログインを使用)


ビューの数に加えて、品質、コンテンツ、創造性も重要です。Crowdsale Networkチームの10人のメンバーのグループが各ビデオを評価し、勝者を決定します。

悪意のある手段によって誤って増加した動画の視聴回数は、参加者をコンテストから失格させます。Crowdsale Networkは、最終的な解釈の権利を留保します。
受賞者への賞品1位: USDTで1,000米ドル
2位: USDTで800米ドル
3位: USDTで333米ドル





このフォームに記入し、Crowdsale Networkユーザー名、Crowdsale Networkアカウントのメールアドレス、電報ユーザー名、YouTubeリンクを入力します。参加者がフォームに記入しない場合、彼/彼女は賞品の資格がありません。



Crowdsale Networkは、完了から10営業日以内にすべてのコンテストカテゴリの勝者を発表します。



Saturday, January 2, 2021


On this occasion I will provide interesting information about an interesting LockDex project. Let's look at the reviews below:

#LOCKDEX #Blockchain #cryptocurrency and #LDX
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the stabilization of standard bank organizations with decentralized advances, for example, blockchain. DeFi can also go by the name Open Finance because of its wide range of relationships. Essentially, DeFi's social fabric hopes to make an alternative to any monetary aid as it is now open. These organizations combine various things, for example, keeping monetary reserves and records, drivers, asset trading, guarantees and others.

DeFi continues to expect critical work in the money-related area of ​​improvement for some reason. First, DeFi expands the usability and reach of money. Since all you need to participate in the DeFi region is a Smartphone, there is huge potential to expand the economy as a whole. Therefore, specialists believe this has the potential to be a major one today as a work in progress in the crypto space.

The commitment to advancing DeFi's organic framework is clearly not hard to see. Basically, DeFi is the fastest creation zone on the blockchain. According to recent reports, DEFI tokens are constantly outsmarting their accomplice. In addition, as this time period addresses the beginning of this merged stage, the market today has an unprecedented event to see a completely new industry development.

A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a technique for exchanging types of computerized cash or other blockchain-based assets without bonds or switches being tied together. This new exchange for decentralized records (DeFi) has already acquired the potential advantages of blockchain: decentralization, control checks, (for example, no KYC), high security, and immutable data.

What is LockDex?

DeFi has made some progress which we are satisfied with. In particular, developing a pool of crypto enthusiasts with reliable techniques for robot income. By checking tokens, they get grants in the form of pool tokens. It takes two or three minutes to make an LP and get started. LockDex plans to take this system to an accompanying stage using security with the original APY.

How does the LockDex Work

Each customer can take the token opened at Uniswap V2 LP. We created the UI directly at with the aim that customers can save and access LP from the program using a web3 tool such as Metamask. No foundation needed. Trusted affiliates and second introduction to the latest information about APY. Customers can also benefit from locking up their LP. For a short period of time, the dart APY will reward 10x the APY reward of delivery after a presale of 15 days.

DEX is safe for everyone

LockDex allows users to store Uniswap V2 LP tokens for prizes.
Seamlessly secure access to your LP bets
Get prizes in LDR tokens. Bet your favorite token
More LPs will be added regularly to the platform
What is a LockDex Token?


The two-token system fuels the entire LockDex economy. Both tokens will be publicly listed on Uniswap V2 LPs but times and prices will change.

The presale will be available for several days in various stages. Early birds will benefit from the best rates and, over time, the price in USD for $ LDX will change. More information on the presale in a future post.

Users will receive LDR by following a few steps on the platform, maintaining LP, and participating in community activities. LDR swap for LDX will be available in the future, meanwhile, LDR LP on Uniswap will allow users to use their reward token.

1. LDX Presale

LDX Contract:
2. LDR - Gift Token

LDR Contract:
LockDex Detail Token

Allocation for Presale:
20% of the total LDX supply = 10,000 LDX
Presale distribution

Phase 1: December 24 - December 31
1 LDX = 30 $ (0.050ETH)
Allocation: 2500 LDX
Buy Limit: 3 ETH
Whitelist: No.

Stage 2: Jan 1 - TBD
1LDX = 0.07 ETH (approx. $ 41.5)
Allocation: 7500 LDX
Listing price of 1LDX = 0.085ETH (approx. $ 50)

25% of pre-sale tokens in stage 1 (5% of total supply)
75% of pre-sale tokens in stage 2 (15% of total supply)

Pre-sales information

$ LDX Token Contract Address: 0xe5d800aadff7db89cfd52398a05f271fd0ed1e61
Bounce Presale:

What happened after Presale?

LDX tokens will be registered on Uniswap V2 LP so that users can trade at will. Also, the staking application will be launched soon, so users will start staking as soon as possible. More features and announcements coming soon.

For project information see the link below:

Author : kemi123
Bitcointalk :;u=2692033
ETH : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Friday, January 1, 2021

Cyclops Finance

In the depths of the world of Greek Mythology, Cyclops known as as a mythical giant one-eyed creature. The Cyclopes were also famous as the builders of the Cyclopean walls of Mycenae and Tiryns. Also, Cyclops have been associated with the island of Sicily and the Volcanic Aeolian Islands.

Cyclopes are strong as we imagine how they build such walls with their might and strength. Now, a new mythical adventure awaits with the Cyclops brothers' caves where the wealthy treasures lie in ruin. Danger and risks were once announced as distress a signal if you dare to have the treasures.

Cyclops Finance acknowledges Cyclopes's strength and might. And now, Cyclops Finance developed cyclops game where it features three Cyclops brothers that lives on the Island of Sicily. Cyclops game is a hybrid yield farming / NFT that evolved from typical yield farming projects, an NFT farming project that is developed into a gaming/puzzle dapp, and it is also a gaming platform that allows conventional games to easily integrate with the blockchain and monetize their game assets.

Cyclopes game developed a treasure hunt adventure type of game that has a different level with actual treasures at the end of it. These treasures claimed to be the long-lost treasures of the Cyclops brothers. Only players that have the fighting spirit, will, might can enter the caves and whoever succeed completing such level can claim the reward.

Every adventure in different level awaits different kind of monsters within its perimeter, you can choose choose and buy your own mighty character depending on what style of gameplay battle you want. Also, the higher the adventure level you succeed to finish, the greater the rewards at the end of it!

Cyclops game's featured characters and creatures include the following:

Cyclops Finance's token named as CYTR and all assets you'll have can be sold for CYTR. Cyclops game lets you value your own assets when you buy your own character and equipments for your first adventure. Users are also able to setup mini - marketplace within the platform, where they can list and trade the created assets/NFTs freely. Hephaestus Workshop is an all-in-one NFT and gaming assets Marketplace and Factory, which means that community member or any user can leverage CYTR in creating their own custom asset/NFT in easy steps.

Native/Governance Token Information:
TOKEN CONTRACT: 0xbd05cee8741100010d8e93048a80ed77645ac7bf
PRICE (BY COINGECKO): 274.83 (As of 11/29/2020)

Hephaestus Workshop lets you to customize your assets into game characters and items that fits you well. Treasures at the end of the caves that has been claimed after finishing a certain level of the adventure can be sold or trade on Hephaestus Workshop or on your own Mini-Market within the platform. Ingame items that have been claimed after a certain adventure is an extra profit or asset for every user whenever they finish adventures.

The Cyclopes Finance's Cyclops game started its game development after they released the Hephaestus Workshop so that users may start first their journey investing and customizing their assets into characters and equipments before the launch of the game. Knowing the first step before starting an adventure is a big advantage and that is customizing your own character and game play style. Being prepared before any battle with different kinds of enemies has an upper hand in the game.

There's another feature for Cyclops Finance's platform. Cyclops game is being developed such that conventional game developers can also deploy games on the platform. In other words, not only cyclops game can be played on its own platform, but different NFT / Yield farming project also with different unique features for the future development of the Cyclops game platform.

An NFT / Yield farming project that has concrete plans and progress mostly has the smooth and convenient product that can ensure investor and users assets to be valued. Cyclops Finance had a good start up and reliable announcement for every development they succeed for their project.


व्यावसायिक प्रदर्शन डेटा और सूचना पर निर्भर करता है, जितना अधिक सटीक और तेज़ डेटा और सूचना प्राप्त और संसाधित की जाती है, उतना ही बेहतर परिणाम मिलता है।ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक यह प्रत्यक्ष और पूरी तरह से पारदर्शी जानकारी प्रदान करके सूचना और डेटा ट्रैफ़िक के आधार पर एक पुल बनने के लिए आदर्श है जहाँ विभिन्न सूचना और डेटा को एक बही में संग्रहीत किया जाएगा जिसे सभी द्वारा देखा जा सकता है और इसमें हेरफेर नहीं किया जा सकता है। ब्लॉकचेन मार्केट में जो नवाचार हो रहे हैं, उनमें से एक है डीईएफआई, यह एक नया सिस्टम है जो एक विकेंद्रीकृत वित्तीय अवधारणा को पेश करता है जिसे हमने पहले कभी नहीं देखा है। KeyTango एक इकोसिस्टम है जो विशेष रूप से पारंपरिक बाजारों में सभी को DeFi पेश करने की कोशिश करता है।

#defi #keyTango $defi #deepdefi

KeyTango क्या है?
KeyTango ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी पर आधारित एक DeFi इकोसिस्टम है, इस इकोसिस्टम को एक आसान उपयोग और सुरक्षित इंटरफ़ेस के साथ बनाए गए Web3 एप्लिकेशन के साथ सभी के लिए DeFi मार्केट को पेश करने के लिए बनाया गया था, KeyTango सभी लोगों के लिए विभिन्न DeFi उत्पादों का उपयोग करने के लिए एक प्रवेश द्वार के रूप में कार्य करता है। और एक जगह पर आसानी से सेवाएं। उनका ऐप विभिन्न डिफाई सेवाओं को खोजने और प्रबंधित करने की प्रक्रिया को सरल बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को अपने वित्तीय निर्णय लेने के लिए एक सरल प्रक्रिया प्रदान करता है। उनका आवेदन भी लचीला है, उन कौशल और अनुभवों को अपनाना है जो ब्लॉकचैन उद्योग में हर किसी के पास शुरुआत से लेकर विशेषज्ञ तक है, एक सरल प्रक्रिया के साथ उनकी जरूरतों को पूरा करते हैं।

उनके द्वारा डिजाइन किया गया इकोसिस्टम एक नए एप्लिकेशन को प्रदान करने के लिए मजबूत एल्गोरिदम और एक सुरक्षित ढांचे का उपयोग करते हुए, डेफी मार्केट में एक नई अवधारणा प्रदान करता है जो एक मंच में विभिन्न आवश्यकताओं के लिए बहुआयामी डैशबोर्ड प्रदान करता है। डेफी के अधिकांश प्लेटफ़ॉर्म वर्तमान में कुछ लोगों को समझने के लिए बहुत जटिल और कठिन हैं। जैसा कि मैंने ऊपर लिखा है, कीटैंगो प्लेटफॉर्म उन प्लेटफार्मों के साथ बहुत लचीला है जो इसके उपयोगकर्ताओं के अनुरूप हैं। KeyTango को Q4 2020 के आसपास लॉन्च किया जाएगा और वे बीटा स्टेज आयोजित करेंगे, आप बाद में इसके लिए कोशिश कर सकते हैं कि अभी इसे KeyTango से आज़माने के लिए वेटलिस्ट को भरें! उनकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं;
बाजार की क्षमता

कई बड़ी कंपनियों ने ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक को अपने व्यवसाय में लागू करना शुरू कर दिया है और कोविद -19 महामारी ने एक नया युग प्रदान किया है जिसमें कैशलेस लेनदेन बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। विभिन्न खुदरा विक्रेताओं को भी अपने व्यवसाय को इंटरनेट में बदलने के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करना पड़ रहा है और इसलिए ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, एक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र जो वर्तमान पारंपरिक प्रणाली की तुलना में पारदर्शिता और दक्षता प्रदान करता है। डेफी संभावित समाधानों में से एक है, हालाँकि यह लंबे समय से है और इसे यूनिसवाप द्वारा पेश किया गया था, लेकिन हाल ही में इसका चलन शुरू हुआ है, सभी के लिए एक नई विकेंद्रीकृत वित्तीय प्रणाली का परिचय, विभिन्न उपयुक्तता और पारदर्शिता के साथ-साथ AI और IoT एकीकरण की पेशकश। विभिन्न पार्टियों को शुरू करने के लिए। इसका इस्तेमाल करें। डेफी बाजार का आकार पहले से ही $ 15 बिलियन से अधिक है और हर साल बढ़ता रहेगा, KeyTango को एक नया इकोसिस्टम बनकर सही गति मिलती है जो कि डेफी बाजार में सभी के लिए एक पुल बन जाता है।

डीएफआई, ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक का उपयोग करके विघटनकारी वित्तीय प्रौद्योगिकी क्रांति का अगला कदम है जो पारदर्शी और अधिक कुशल है। मार्केट साइज़ जो हर बार बढ़ता रहता है, इस सिस्टम को संभावित बनाता है, कोई भी व्यक्ति DeFi का उपयोग करते समय योगदान दे सकता है। फिर भी, दुर्भाग्य से कुछ डेफी लोगों के लिए यह समझना अभी भी मुश्किल है, इसे इस्तेमाल करने की जटिल प्रक्रिया अपनाने को धीमा कर देती है, दूसरी ओर की टैंगो एक अनोखा इकोसिस्टम बनाकर उस दृश्य को बदलने की कोशिश करता है जिससे सभी के लिए डीएफआई में प्रवेश करना आसान हो जाता है बाजार।

मुझे लगता है कि यह अभी के लिए पर्याप्त है, नए संभावित प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में अधिक सामग्री के लिए अनुसरण और उत्थान करना न भूलें, मैं नीचे KeyTango Ecosystem से संबंधित कुछ लिंक दूंगा। आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद!
