Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mozart Finance

#mozartfinance #piano #bsc #bnb
About the Mozart Finance Project?
Mozart Finance is a fork from Goose Finance & astonishing DeFi project running on Binance Smart Chain with lots of other features that let you earn and win tokens.

‌What we are trying to do is to create a splendid perpetual deflation token that performs like a symphony. Our native token PIANO will provide a stable price pump with a sufficient burn mechanism. We are not trying to replace the swap & exchange but rather to add value into our system and create a sustainable environment for people to yield farm with high APR and later even more than that.

‌Our glorious mission is not to scam people but to WIN. Every day we can see a bunch of different farming tokens that last for only a few days and then they are gone... We think we will create a token that is a sustainable long term defi project. That's definitely much harder to do. We hope that we will not disappoint our growing amazing community and that we will achieve our goals together.

‌You, Ladies and Gentleman are the most important thing to us!

Liquidity will be locked for 8 months
Migrator code is removed

Audit will be done before launch - the only DeFi project on BSC to do so until now

Second audit will be done in first 3 weeks
New audits will be done on every major feature update

Fabulous burn mechanism

1% of every transaction will be burned
Deposit fees will be used to buyback tokens (will explain soon)

Any unsold tokens from pre-sale will be burned
Team will randomly burn tokens each week to keep the price higher
Starting liquidity tokens will be burned in first 3 weeks

Become a symphonist by farming PIANO with highest possible APR

Farm different pools
Voting system - community can decide about adding new pools

Lottery (soon) NFT (soon)
Decentralized Betting (Q2)

Lending (no ETA)
IFO (no ETA) Community Ideas

How Does Mozart Finance Work
Mozart Finance leverages the Binance Smart Chain capabilities to accomplish its goal to create a sustainable deflationary DeFi ecosystem. According to its development team, the network will be packed with features that are sure to drive interest as they go live. Here are some of the best features announced so far.

Yield Farming
The core functionality of Mozart Finance is its yield farming protocols. The developers have announced that the platform will offer multiple pools that will provide top APRs to investors. Yield Farming is a better alternative to trading because it doesn’t require an intensive amount of research. You lock your funds in a YF pool, and you receive rewards based on your level of participation.


PIANO is the native DeFi and utility token for Mozart Finance. This token is designed to serve multiple purposes within the system. You can farm, play games, participate in IFOs, and a host of other cool profit-earning functionalities using this token. You receive rewards in this token as well. Also, you gain voting rights when you hold PIANO.


Mozart Finance integrates a community governance system to provide users with more control over the platform’s developments. PIANO holders can put forth upgrade proposals and vote on vital issues on the network. Community governance mechanisms are becoming very popular in the DeFi sector because they provide a higher transparency level to users.


In the coming weeks, Mozart Finance intends to start a lottery. Users will be able to participate in these games simply by holding a certain amount of PIANO. More details are to be released on this feature shortly.

NFT Support

Another upcoming feature to be on the lookout for is the network’s NFT support. NFTs are a hot item in the market nowadays, with some selling for millions of dollars. Mozart Finance seeks to provide support for this budding industry within its deflationary ecosystem. Users will be able to trade, collect, and create NFTs using Mozart Finance.

Decentralized Betting

Mozart Finance will also venture into the world of decentralized betting. Users will be able to bet on their favorite games and earn tokens win they win. Deflationary betting is another quickly growing sector in the blockchain industry. The decision to provide support for these services could pay off for Mozart Finance.


As part of their inclusive approach to the DeFi market, Mozart Finance intends to support P2P lending protocols. DeFi lending protocols put you in the place of the bank. You can lend out your funds to a lending pool and earn interest for your efforts. Best of all, the protocol is set up in a way that you receive your repayment on time, regardless of if the lender meets their commitments.


One of the most interesting features to both users and other blockchain projects is the network’s Initial Farm Offering options. IFOs are considered more democratic and transparent than ICOs. As such, they have seen quick adoption by DeFi firms over the last few months.

Mozart Finance Token
Mozart has a unique BEP-20 native token dubbed PIANO for securing the network in the long term. This token will serve as the primary payment currency, serving as a base for some liquidity pools. However, there will be other pairs with other assets. Moreover, investors will have the freedom to stake the PIANO tokens and await rewards.

This is really happening! After our PIANO was successfully reviewed, we will announce exact time & date of the presale very soon, sooner then you think!

1 BNB = 27.5 PIANO

Maximum per wallet: 20 BNB
Minimum per wallet: 0.2 BNB

Ticker: PIANO

Contract : link
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
Starting supply: 100.000 tokens
Public presale: 55.000 tokens
Liquidity lock: 40.000 tokens
Marketing: 5.000 tokens

Deflationary mechanism:
1% of every transaction will be burned
50% of the deposit fee will be used to buy back PIANO

Piano Farms
How to participate in farms to earn high yield rewards?
Choose a Token Pair.

After choosing a token pair to farm, you must then obtain both through the Exchange. The SWAP process only takes a few seconds. Be aware that investing $100 in the any farm pair must be split 50-50 between two pairs, you need to add liquidity for both.

Add liquidity.

Then next step before you can join the farm pertains to liquidity. You add liquidity to the system by converting BUSD and BNB into BUSD-BNB LP tokens.

LP tokens in your wallet should appear (check picture above).

After this step you will be ready to stake LP tokens to any of our farm pairs. To withdraw LP tokens repeat the same process backwards.

Native farms - 0% deposit fee:
PIANO-BNB (35x rewards)
PIANO-BUSD (25x rewards)
PIANO-CAKE (10x rewards)

Other farm pairs - 4% deposit fee:
BUSD-BNB (4x rewards)
USDC-BUSD (2x rewards)
CAKE-BNB (2x rewards)
LINK-BNB (2x rewards)

Deposit fee
Non Piano farms will have 4% deposit fee.
We will use the deposits fees to buyback Piano token and to add more liquidity to our pools & farms!

Distribution of 4% fee - Purpose

2%: Buyback & burn
1%: Liquidity to farms
0.75%: Liquidity to pools
0.25%: Developers wallet


Urgent priority
Deployment of smart contracts
Unique burn mechanism
AUDIT before launch (Immunebytes)
Liquidity lock
High APR% gains

High priority
Second audit after the launch (in first 2-3 weeks)
Lottery as never seen before
Mozart NFT's

Medium priority
Decentralized betting
IFO (in partnership with other projects)
Fully operational exchange

Community ideas

Mozart Finance encapsulates the current drive to find Ethereum alternatives in the DeFi space. The platform intends to offer a complete ecosystem that is deflationary and inclusive in nature. Because Ethereum is at all-time highs in gas fees, Mozart Finance could prove a valuable asset moving forward.

Social media of project:

🎹 Twitter: ​​
💬 Telegram:
Official telegram groups:
​🎵 English chat: []
​📣 Announcements []
🇪🇸 Espanol chat: []
🎼 Reddit:

Author : kemi123
BSC WALLET : 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Mozart Finance är ett Defi-projekt som har de mest unika funktionerna.

#mozartfinance #piano #bsc #bnb
Jag kommer att ge information om ett mycket intressant projekt att veta om en ny kryptovaluta som heter Mozart Finance. Innan vi diskuterar tror jag att vi alla är överens om att blockchain-teknik behöver en del ansträngningar för att driva adoption så att den fortsätter att växa och fortsätta att utvecklas i framtiden. Så för det, låt oss titta på en kort översikt över Mozart Finance-projektet nedan.

Mozart finance är ett Binance Smart Chain-baserat Challenge-projekt som ger en värld av möjligheter för en användare att tjäna maximala inkomster. Det syftar till att tillhandahålla tjänster som gör det möjligt för den att trivas över sina kamrater i BSC-nätverket och i Defi-sfären i allmänhet.

Några av de tjänster som Mozart-finansiering kommer att införa inkluderar avkastningsodling, staking och handel. Dessutom kommer det att innebära lån, vadslagning och flera andra förmåner senare. Tanken är inte att ersätta den befintliga plattformen utan att tillhandahålla ett mer robust, snabbare, säkrare, skalbart och bekvämt alternativ för investerare.

Mozart Finance Token
Mozart har en unik BEP-20-inbyggd token som heter PIANO för att säkra nätverket på lång sikt. Denna token kommer att fungera som den primära betalningsvalutan och tjäna som bas för vissa likviditetspooler. Det kommer dock att finnas andra par med andra tillgångar. Dessutom kommer investerare att ha frihet att satsa PIANO-tokens och vänta på belöningarna.

Priserna på PIANO-tokens kommer att vara stabila och deflationära på grund av de införda policyerna. Deflationsfunktionen kommer att erhållas genom att dra nytta av följande element;

Denna plattform kommer att bränna 1% av symbolerna för varje transaktion för evigt. Denna gravyr hjälper till att säkerställa att antalet poletter i omlopp balanseras.

Depositionsavgifterna kommer också att bidra till att stärka deflationsaspekten av token. 50% av de betalda insättningsavgifterna löser in PIANO-tokens

Plattformen kommer att sänka utgivningsgraden mellan vecka ett och vecka tre. Efter den tredje veckan kommer utsläppshastigheten alltid att ligga på 0,25 PIANO per block.
Plattformens funktioner

Mozart Finance har många funktioner som hjälper investerare att tjäna, varav den första diskuterades ovan - avkastningslantbruk och insats.

Men plattformen kommer att introducera andra bra tjänster som;
Decentraliserat vadslagning - kryptobaserat spel får fart i dag. Mozart introducerar ett blockchain-baserat lotterisystem.

NFT - Icke-fungibla tokens har haft en enorm tillväxt 2021 och kommer att fortsätta växa i framtiden. Mozart syftar till att vara en del av denna störning genom att införa NFT-stöd i framtiden.

Toppfunktionell utbytesplattform - Mozart-nätverket kommer också att integrera ett utbytesnätverk för investerare.

Crypto Lending Platform - Framöver kommer plattformen att implementera en utlåningsplattform och tillåta investerare att tjäna ränta till rimliga priser.

Enligt mediesidan på plattformen är samhällsengagemang en av dess framtida prioriteringar.
Kontraktsrevisioner för investeringssäkerhet
Mozart-plattformen introducerar också plattformsrevision för att säkerställa att systemet förblir mycket pålitligt och bekvämt för användarna. Redan den första granskningen av plattformens smarta kontrakt genomfördes för några dagar sedan av ImmuneBytes.

Immunebytes är en startblockchain-säkerhetsplattform med fokus på smarta kontraktsgranskningar, säkerhetskonsultering och penetrationstestning. ImmuneBytes granskningar av Mozarts system var framgångsrika; Så det är sant att användarsäkerheten kommer att vara i toppklass.

Enligt den senaste versionen är dock den enda granskade delen av plattformen granskningen av PIANO-tokens. Plattformen arbetar fortfarande med att få ytterligare tre utvärderingar av sina kontrakt på några dagar. Förförsäljningen förväntas pågå i högst 5 dagar, men alla pooler kommer inte att startas förrän granskningarna returneras och bekräftas.

PIANO Presale Tokenomics
Plattformen har implementerat en utmärkt ekonomisk tokenstruktur för att säkerställa utmärkt allmänhetens tillgång till token och för att bibehålla plattformens tillförlitlighet. Den totala initiala leveransen av dessa tokens är 9,6 miljoner, men för närvarande är de myntade poletterna 100 000 PIANO. Dessa tokens kommer att delta i den första lanseringen av fasen före försäljning. Så här fördelas skotten;

55% av tokens (55 000) kommer att säljas i allmän förförsäljning.
40% av polletter (40 000) går till likviditetsskåp
De senaste 5000 tokens (5%) kommer att gå till plattformsmarknadsföring och reklam.
27.5 PIANO-token är lika med en 1BNB-token. Mozart Finance sätter det mjuka locket till 22 000 PIANO, eller 800 BNB. Det hårda locket är 55.000 PIANO, ungefär som 2000 BNB.
Under denna förförsäljning kan varje plånbok köpa minst 0,2 BNB och högst 20 BNB PIANO.

Mozart Finance har redan slutfört sin förförsäljning och nådde sitt tak på 2000BNB på 5 minuter. Det är uppenbart att investerare redan märker de stora utsikterna för denna token och plattformen i allmänhet.
Investera i Mozart. Ekonomi

Mozart-plattformen kommer snart att lanseras som ett av de mest avancerade BSC-baserade Defi-nätverken med stora fördelar. Plattformen kommer att lanseras med likviditetsskåp för säker avkastning, staking och allmänna investeringar.

Mozart kommer att ha sin ursprungliga token, PIANO, som hjälper till att driva plattformsaktiviteter över tid. Plattformen inrättar olika policyer för att säkerställa att PIANO förblir deflationärt. Således kommer investerare alltid att känna sig trygga med sina investeringar.

Plattformen granskas av ImmuneByte, en av de bästa blockchain-revisorerna för att stärka plattformens säkerhet. Redan har token visat sig vara säker, men snart kommer fler recensioner på plattformen att släppas. Mozart kommer inte att starta något avkastningsjordbruk förrän revisionsgranskningar släpps för att säkerställa maximal säkerhet för investerare.

Plattformen kommer snart att lanseras, därför bör alla investerare vara redo att dra nytta av den.

Brådskande prioritering
Implementering av smarta kontrakt
Unik förbränningsmekanism
AUDIT före lansering (Immunebytes)
Inlåsning av likviditet
Vinster i% hög apr

Hög prioritet
Andra granskningen efter lanseringen (inom de första 2-3 veckorna)
Lotteriet som aldrig sett förut
Mozart NFT

Medium prioritet
Decentraliserat Paris
IFO (i samarbete med andra projekt)
Fullt operativt utbyte
Gemenskapens idéer

Friskrivningsklausul: Detta är inte slutgiltigt, vi kommer att anpassa oss efter samhällets behov.

Social media of project:

🎹 Twitter: ​​
💬 Telegram:
Official telegram groups:
​🎵 English chat: []
​📣 Announcements []
🇪🇸 Espanol chat: []
🎼 Reddit:

Author: kemi123
BSC WALLET: 0x0888a14A2A06207E6A4d3e78861D2856B01FCda5

Friday, March 26, 2021

UnitedCrowd || includes investment financial products

As we all know that the advent of blockchain technology has changed the world faster and stronger, with almost every industry in the world implementing the most advanced technology, the financial industry is among them. The emergence of blockchain has connected the financial industry in a more seamless and modern way, on the one hand Cryptocurrency has grown significantly in recent years. These developments make cryptocurrency better and can be applied to more complex financial cases. especially with the UnitedCrowd project going to change the Cryptoqurrency world to be beautiful, this project will bring huge profits to both its users and investors.

What Is UnitedCrowd?
UnitedCrowd Is a platform to attract investment in new projects, will help you understand this difficult problem. Here you will find ample opportunities to grow your project and attract initial investment for further development. In addition, UnitedCrowd is an official platform registered in Germany, so you don’t need to worry about wasting your time using the service, and here you will get maximum security when making transactions. UnitedCrowd only works with qualified and trusted investors and will help you find the right investors, in fact, taking all the work to fund your project.

On the UnitedCrowd platform, you can also oversee the fundraising process for your project around the clock. A very comfortable and intuitive software application interface will be able to support inexperienced users. The design will not make you difficult because it is very easy to access.
and also Individual layout means that you will be helped to develop interface layout according to your parameters and needs. UnitedCrowd already operates on the blockchain network and therefore fundamentally protects your data. All material related to your project will be available for potential investors to view via the platform. like the example image below.

So, I think the UnitedCrowd Project is perfect for you and for the big investors out there too. The UnitedCrowd project is underway, besides it is registered in Germany, making all transactions as safe as possible. The UnitedCrowd development team consists only of highly qualified specialists and experts in their fields, all of whom are public, transparent and available on social networks to find out more information about the team’s background, developers in the UnitedCrowd project media social group.

Author : kemi123

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Hello everyone, this is a new post that I would like to introduce about the project. Very interesting and good Adonx that is and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:

website -

What is Adonx.One?
The Adonx.One vision is to provide and enabling the means for the new free digital economy to rise through the integration on the daily life reality of consumer

Adon is a blockchain based, efficient, anonymous, open source, decentralised, resilient, transcendent and powerful general purpose cryptocurrency for everyday use and powered by CryptoNote Technology. Adon is blockchain based digital currency that allows inexpensive, fast e-payments among people and systems.

A Great Journey Begins

“Adon combines all the best and amazing features of CryptoNote cryptography in addition to its unique and powerful features. It offers end users the best authentic experience they can have with a CryptoNote currency.”

Term Deposits

Adon provides Term Deposits at blockchain level with its hybrid POS concept. Adon allows a upto 12% annual rate of interest that in economic terms is the most realistic rate and based on the world’s economics does not make Adon inflationary, building a long-term sustainable, feasible and healthy project.

Private Messages

Besides being a currency, Adon addresses the privacy issue with the CryptoNote privacy features, and incorporates private messages in blockchain level through their wallets. Adon makes the process so easy to send a private message to your friend.

Integrated Addresses

The primary purpose of the integrated address is not to hide the actual wallet address but to pack a paymentID to make the process easy. Sending funds to the actual wallet address or Integrated wallet address both are the same, you receive funds to your actual wallet address.
Security matters

Untraceable payments

Ring signatures” which shuffles users’ public keys in order to eliminate the possibility to identify a particular user. Ring signature is a more sophisticated scheme, which in fact may demand several different public keys for verification. In the case of ring signature, for example, we have a group of individuals, each with their own secret and public key. The statement proved by ring signatures is that the signer of a given message is a member of the group.

Unlinkable transactions

Adon protects a receiver from defining his or her balance through inspecting ingoing messages to the users public address, with random data by the sender, an automatic creation of multiple unique one-time keys, derived from the single public key, for each p2p payment.

Blockchain Analysis Resistant

Adon’s blockchain analysis resistance results from unlinkability is designed to mitigate the risks associated with key re-usage and one-input-to-one-output tracing. that generates multiple one-time public addresses that can only be simply gathered by the message receiver. But hardly analyzed by confused foreigners inside the block explorer.
Business is easy

Payment Proof

To avoid disputes between/among parties while performing transactions, Adon provides a mechanism to produce payment proof. CLI & GUI wallet supports generation/verification of payment proof. In addition to it, Adon Explorer also supports the verification of the payment proof.

Reserve Proof

Reserve proof allows someone to prove he/she is holding a particular amount of ADON in an Adon wallet. Once you generate reserve proof, you can send the generated signature, wallet address and optional message for decryption to another party for verification. Reserve proof can be verified using Adon explorer tools or CLI & GUI wallet;

Sign & Verify

‘Sign & Verify’ provides a unique mechanism to prove a specific message belongs to a wallet address or not using signature.


ADONX is ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain, exactly 21M tokens will be minted, more than 80% of unsold tokens from the sale will be burned in each stage. Remaining tokens will be utilized towards airdrops & bounties. ADONX Token will be used as payments method for different services available on Adonx eco system, or where ever applicable.

Tokens Info

Smart Contract Address:

All interested parties on Adonx Pre-Sale must have their own ETH wallet, wallets from an exchange or custodial wallets ( like, are not valid.

You must have a wallet to which you have access to a respective private key or mnemonic words, as this is the only way you will be able to access the purchased Adonx tokens.

Early investors on ADONX Token Pre-Sale can send ETH to 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42 starting from 20th February. The price are 1 ETH = 5000 ADONX (50% bonus included) and for this stage there is 550000 ADONX tokens allocated.
How to purchase ADONX tokens?

From the start of pre-sale
Go to the website
Follow the instructions on the website to connect your wallet and complete the transaction

Use Token calculator to know the total amount of tokens you will get.

Preferred Wallets-

Please note- When you are using myetherwallet, metamask or trustwallet please use the following instructions
From address # Your connected wallet account address ( automatic )
To Address # 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42
Amount # Your desired value in ETH (Minimum 0.1ETH)
Gas Price # Average speed value
Gas Limit # 200 000

Your wallet ( from where you sent ETH ) will be getting ADONX of the desired transaction amount.


Features will be rolled out one by one as per schedule, the approximate order is
Platform with basic features
Exchange services
Desktop wallets
Mobile wallets
Escrow services
Developer API

Author : kemi123


हाय सब, यह एक नई पोस्ट है जिसे मैं परियोजना के बारे में पेश करना चाहूंगा। बहुत दिलचस्प और अच्छा Adonx है और अधिक जानकारी के लिए, आइए निम्नलिखित चर्चा पर जाएं:

ADONX प्लेटफॉर्म
Adonx एक अनाम, खुला स्रोत, विकेन्द्रीकृत, लचीला, पारदर्शी, और मजबूत ब्लॉकचैन आधारित सामान्य उद्देश्य क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी है जो हर रोज उपयोग के लिए है और CryptoNote प्रौद्योगिकी द्वारा संचालित है और AdonPort पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र पर मुख्य संपत्ति के रूप में एकीकृत है। AdonPay भुगतान प्रणाली एक नवीन तकनीक है जो हर रोज इस्तेमाल के मामलों के लिए, पार्टियों के बीच क्रिप्टो परिसंपत्तियों और मूल्यों के लेनदेन की अनुमति देती है, पारंपरिक भुगतान प्रणालियों के लिए वैकल्पिक भुगतान प्रणाली, लोगों, ई-कॉमर्स और वास्तविक व्यावसायिक मामलों के लिए क्रिप्टो परिसंपत्तियों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती है।


सरल, तेज, अभिनव, कला की स्थिति प्रदान करने के लिए, अभी तक शक्तिशाली क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज, एस्क्रो और भुगतान प्लेटफ़ॉर्म सुरक्षित है। ज्यादातर क्रिप्टो स्टार्टअप और छोटे व्यापारी उच्च लिस्टिंग शुल्क और ट्रेडिंग शुल्क से पीड़ित हैं। Adonx प्लेटफार्म का उद्देश्य सभी पात्र परियोजनाओं को बहुत कम लिस्टिंग शुल्क के साथ सूचीबद्ध करना और व्यापारियों को लगभग शून्य ट्रेडिंग शुल्क अनुभव प्रदान करना है।


डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म उपयोगकर्ता-स्तरीय सुरक्षा का समर्थन करता है

● मजबूत पासवर्ड
● 2 कारक प्रमाणीकरण
● पिन आधारित प्राधिकरण
● ओटीपी आधारित प्राधिकरण (ई-मेल, एसएमएस और 2FA ऐप के माध्यम से)

अधिकांश समापन बिंदु द्वितीय-स्तरीय प्राधिकरण द्वारा संरक्षित किए जा रहे हैं। कॉन्फ़िगरेशन विकल्प उनके खाता सेटिंग पृष्ठ में प्रति सुविधा उपलब्ध हैं। सभी सुरक्षा परतों की निगरानी, ​​विश्लेषण और नियमित आधार पर ऑडिट किया जाएगा, जब भी आवश्यकता होगी पैच और अपडेट अपडेट किए जाएंगे।

मल्टी क्रिप्टो वॉलेट

अलग-अलग ब्लॉकचेन में अलग-अलग वॉलेट हैं, प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता को ब्लॉकचेन के अनूठे वॉलेट पते के साथ सुविधा प्रदान की जाएगी, उनमें से कुछ को रोटेटेबल किया जा सकता है (यानी, उपयोगकर्ता को जमा प्राप्त होने पर हर बार एक नया पता मिलेगा, यह विकल्प अन्य सुविधाओं के लिए उपलब्ध हो सकता है या नहीं भी। उपयोगकर्ता सक्षम या ब्लॉकचैन प्रकार) एक विकल्प उनके सेटिंग पेज में उपलब्ध है।

क्रिप्टो वॉलेट पता

क्रिप्टो वॉलेट पते में अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्णों की एक स्ट्रिंग शामिल है, ये पते निजी और सार्वजनिक क्रिप्टोग्राफ़िक कुंजियों के सेट का उपयोग करके ब्लॉकचेन पर उत्पन्न होते हैं। पता की लंबाई ब्लॉकचैन तकनीक के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकती है और इसकी यादृच्छिकता और लंबाई के कारण इसे याद रखना मुश्किल है। उदाहरण के लिए बिटकॉइन का उदाहरण सचित्र बोल्ड 19WLgARaJpbzceJptrDQTfYSS6uQSKRxcs

कुछ मामलों में, उपयोगकर्ता अपने बटुए को विशिष्ट और पहचान योग्य बनाने के लिए पतों को निजीकृत करना चाह सकता है।

घमंड का पता

एक घमंड का पता ब्लॉकचेन पर एक व्यक्तिगत क्रिप्टो वॉलेट पता है, इस प्रकार के पते बी 2 बी प्रकार के व्यवसाय पर बी 2 सी प्रकार के व्यापार उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए उपयोगी हो सकते हैं, बिटकॉइन वैनिटी एड्रेस का उदाहरण सचित्र बॉयल के रूप में 19EmmaCeepbbbbbPJTrDQTuQSKRxcs

खाता उपनाम

Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म उपयोगकर्ताओं को वास्तविक उपयोगकर्ता खाते में प्रवेश किए बिना कहीं से भी जमा करने के लिए आसान अलियासिंग सिस्टम प्रदान करता है। उपयोगकर्ता के पास अपने खाते के लिए उपनाम नाम सेट करने का विकल्प होगा, ये उपनाम अलग-अलग पर्स के लिए अपना जमा पता प्राप्त करने के लिए पहुंच प्रदान करेंगे। एक सामान्य खाता उपनाम जैसा नीचे जैसा दिखेगा

परमाणु स्वैप

एक परमाणु स्वैप एक क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी का आदान-प्रदान करने की एक प्रक्रिया है, जिसमें कोई भी कार्य शामिल नहीं है। आमतौर पर, सिक्का / टोकन मालिक इस कार्य को करते हैं जब उनके मौजूदा ब्लॉकचेन / कोड / प्रोटोकॉल को हटा दिया जाता है, और वे एक नया ब्लॉकचैन या एक नए प्रोटोकॉल के साथ परिचय करना चाहते हैं। उनके लिए अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं से सभी हटाए गए सिक्कों / टोकन को इकट्ठा करना और प्रतिस्थापन के रूप में नए सिक्के / टोकन भेजना एक बड़ा काम होगा।


एक एयरड्रॉप आमतौर पर मुफ्त में बड़े पैमाने पर बटुए के पते पर क्रिप्टो सिक्कों / टोकन का वितरण होता है। उपयोगकर्ता आधार को बढ़ाने के लिए ध्यान और नए अनुयायियों को प्राप्त करने के लिए एयरड्रॉप का उपयोग किया जाता है। Adonx प्लेटफॉर्म सपोर्ट एयरड्रॉप फीचर। सिक्के / टोकन के मालिक, उत्साही और प्रमोटर बिना किसी अतिरिक्त जटिलता के इस तरह के जटिल एयरड्रॉप का प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं।

विनिमय सेवाएँ

अत्यधिक स्केलेबल मिलान इंजन के साथ, यह उच्च भार का सामना कर सकता है और प्रति मिनट लाखों आदेशों को संसाधित कर सकता है।

मार्केट ऑर्डर बनाम लिमिट ऑर्डर

अपनी आवश्यकताओं की बेहतर संतुष्टि प्रदान करने के लिए, आप उपलब्ध मूल्य पर एक सिक्का / टोकन खरीदने या बेचने के लिए एक बाजार आदेश का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो तुरंत निष्पादित हो। या आप एक सीमा आदेश का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो आपको वह मूल्य निर्धारित करने की अनुमति देता है जिस पर आप वांछित सिक्का / टोकन खरीदना या बेचना चाहते हैं ताकि यह तभी पूरा हो जब मूल्य निर्दिष्ट मूल्य मूल्य को पार कर जाए।

एस्क्रो सेवाएँ

एस्क्रो एक ऐसा समझौता है जहां एक तृतीय पक्ष दो लेनदेन करने वाली पार्टियों के बीच भुगतान को नियंत्रित करता है और केवल दिए गए अनुबंध के सभी शर्तों को पूरा करने पर शामिल धन को जारी करता है।

बहुभाषी समर्थन

प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और उसके सभी ग्राहक विभिन्न भाषाओं में उपलब्ध होंगे; प्रारंभिक रिलीज केवल अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध होगी। रूसी, स्पेनिश, पुर्तगाली, चीनी और अन्य भाषा का समर्थन भविष्य में सॉफ़्टवेयर अपडेट के दौरान अनुसूचित और प्राथमिकता के आधार पर सॉफ़्टवेयर अपडेट के लिए प्रदान किया जाएगा।

विनिमय जोड़े

Adonx शुरू में व्यापारिक जोड़ियों का समर्थन करेगा, जिसमें BTC शामिल नहीं है लेकिन शामिल है




ADONX (Adonx टोकन) USDT

व्यवहार्यता के आधार पर जब भी संभव हो नए जोड़े जोड़े जाएंगे।

एक सिक्का / टोकन और शुल्क की सूची बनाना

3 लिस्टिंग प्रकार उपलब्ध हैं। सभी लिस्टिंग प्रकार डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से कम से कम 3 ट्रेडिंग जोड़े प्रदान करते हैं। Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर सूचीबद्ध होने वाली सभी परियोजनाएं कुछ न्यूनतम आवश्यकता मानदंडों को पूरा करने के अधीन हैं, जिन्हें सेवाओं और मानदंड के रूप में अद्यतन किया जाएगा।

1. नि: शुल्क सूची

एक अभिनव विचार और सभ्य समुदाय के साथ एक परियोजना को मुफ्त में सूचीबद्ध किया जाएगा।


सिक्का / टोकन मालिकों को Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर इसे सूचीबद्ध करने के लिए एक निश्चित राशि का भुगतान करने की आवश्यकता है। सिक्का / टोकन मालिक पर लिस्टिंग फॉर्म के माध्यम से Adonx से संपर्क करेंगे, जहाँ उन्हें अपनी परियोजना के बारे में विभिन्न विवरण भरने होंगे।

3. थ्रोट वोटिंग

एक महान विचार और समुदाय के सदस्यों की एक अच्छी संख्या के साथ एक परियोजना मतदान के माध्यम से लिस्टिंग के लिए अपनी परियोजना का अनुरोध कर सकती है। परियोजना के समुदाय के सदस्य परियोजना सूची के लिए मतदान करेंगे। प्रतियोगिता में कई सिक्के / टोकन उपलब्ध हो सकते हैं और उच्चतम मतदान परियोजना को सूचीबद्ध किया जाएगा।

सॉफ्टवेयर और कवरेज

Adonx क्लाइंट सॉफ्टवेयर क्रॉस-प्लेटफॉर्म संगत होगा और निम्नलिखित उपकरणों / प्लेटफार्मों के लिए उपलब्ध होगा।

● ब्राउज़र के लिए वेब-आधारित क्लाइंट (मोबाइल के अनुकूल)
● विंडोज, लिनक्स और मैकओएस के लिए डेस्कटॉप क्लाइंट
● देशी एप्लिकेशन के रूप में एंड्रॉइड मोबाइल डिवाइस
● मूल एप्लिकेशन के रूप में iOS मोबाइल डिवाइस
● डेवलपर्स और भागीदारों के लिए उपभोग्य आराम एपीआई

डेवलपर एपीआई

एक बार Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म स्थिर हो जाने के बाद डेवलपर्स और भागीदारों के लिए Adonx प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर आधारित अपनी कार्यक्षमता, सुविधाओं और एप्लिकेशन को लागू करने के लिए एक उपभोज्य REST API उपलब्ध होगा। इन एपीआई के उपयोग पर एक अच्छी तरह से प्रलेखित और प्रारूपित गाइड उपलब्ध होगा। डेवलपर एपीआई एपीआई कुंजी द्वारा संरक्षित है, डेवलपर्स और भागीदारों को इन समापन बिंदुओं का उपभोग करने से पहले एक उत्पन्न करने की आवश्यकता है। यह अपने स्वयं के अनुप्रयोगों को अनुकूलित और कार्यान्वित करने और मामलों का उपयोग करने के लिए लगभग अंतहीन विकल्प उपलब्ध कराएगा।

ADONX टोकन

ADONX ईरेसीम ब्लॉकचैन पर ERC20 टोकन है, बिल्कुल 21M टोकन का खनन किया जाएगा, बिक्री से 80% से अधिक अनसोल्ड टोकन प्रत्येक चरण में जलाए जाएंगे। शेष टोकन का उपयोग एयरड्रॉप और बाउंटी की ओर किया जाएगा। ADONX टोकन का उपयोग Adonx Eco सिस्टम पर उपलब्ध विभिन्न सेवाओं के लिए भुगतान विधि के रूप में किया जाएगा, या जहां कभी लागू हो।


Adon एक कुशल, गुमनाम, लचीला, पारंगत, शक्तिशाली, विकेन्द्रीकृत और खुले स्रोत का सामान्य उद्देश्य क्रिप्टो मुद्रा है जो सस्ती और तेजी से सहकर्मी लेनदेन के साथ क्रिप्टोनोट टेक्नोलॉजी पर बनाया गया है।

परियोजना के बारे में अधिक जानें:

● वेबसाइट:
● ब्लॉकर्स विस्तार:
● पूल:
● वेब-दीवार:
● एंड्रॉइड दीवार: जल्द ही आ रहा है
● IOS वॉलेट: जल्द ही आ रहा है

सरकारी सामाजिक नेटवर्क लिंक

● अस्वीकरण:
● Facebook:

समुदाय का स्वामित्व प्राप्त नेटवर्क लिंक

● TELEGRAM पुर्तगाल:
● टेलीग्राम रूसी:

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Savix (SVX)

What is inline protocol staking?
To implement the stacking features mentioned above, a stacking mechanism has been built into the ERC20 protocol. The algorithm works by regularly increasing the total number of tokens in accordance with the mathematical logic implemented in the smart contract. Account balances are determined by their individual share in the total supply, which guarantees a non-dilutive distribution of tokens. Thus, the relative staking profit remains and remains the same for all accounts regardless of size and user-related parameters such as staking duration, bet pool selection, etc.

With Savix, virtual currency is now available for the first time, allowing you to profit from staking rewards while maintaining an unlocked and liquid token that can be used for free on any DeFi product at the same time.

The Inline Stacking Protocol (PES) * used here is deeply embedded in the underlying currency code and does not require any explicit control or launch by the user. All Savix token wallets automatically and continuously participate in the staking process.

All contracts and tools required for deployment are fully developed and are in the final stages of internal audit. For now, the contracts on the Rinkeby testnet are running smoothly. We plan to migrate to the main network in early December 2020.

Our main goal is to enable users to benefit from the new investment opportunities created by decentralized finance as much as possible, with the least possible disincentives. Therefore, users combine multiple streams of income while maintaining complete flexibility in using tokens. The betting mechanism built into the Savix protocol works without any user action. Users do not need to block their tokens and do not require a reward, since the staking process is fully automated.

We believe Savix is ​​the best collateral for decentralized finance because it

1. Multi-Beneficiary

Since the embedded staking protocol (see next paragraph) ensures full availability of token use in other DeFi products, the rewards can be “doubled” with Savix. In this way, interest rates work as an additional layer of passive income. The forthcoming Trinary Liquidity Incentive Program (see 7) will offer Savix holders another very special additional source of income.

2. Convenient

Savix betting is built into the standard ERC20 portability features, is fully automated and 100% passive, so no decision or user interaction is required to earn rewards.

3. Flexibility

Savix is ​​compatible with any Ethereum-based DeFi project. Savix coins can be used, like all standard ERC20 tokens, for pooling, lending, growing crops, mining, and more, while continuously providing holders with additional tokens for betting.

4. Satisfactory

Savix's embedded protocol rates evenly adjust all balances according to the embedded offering curve. No preference is given to any particular holder. All wallets are treated in the same way, regardless of balance, transaction volume or other parameters.

5. Transparent

Savix sources are open source. All programming codes and contracts are available through Github and can be verified and tested by anyone. Due to the deployment of a single contract, any manipulations with the logic of the contract or the maximum offer are impossible, there is no minting of additional coins. Staking rewards are completely transparent and predictable.

6. Stable

Savix does not have any reward events at the end of lockout periods that could generate cyclical dumps. Except for market reasons, selling Savix is ​​never easier or more profitable at any given point in time, which reduces volatility.

7. Independent

With Savix, you remain independent because tokens are always liquid, earning rewards (no blocking) and can be freely moved or invested in other DeFi products.

Token Technology
Since the use of DeFi applications (for example, participation in Uniswap liquidity pools) is the main use case for the Savix token, implementation as an ERC-20 token is required. Non-fungible tokens can play an important role in future concepts, and the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standards can also be used for future developments.

However, the Savix token itself will remain intact for all future developments. They will be designed as separate contracts, interacting with the original Savix contract. The invariability of the Savix contract implementation is guaranteed and is an important part of the Savix trust-building concept:

• Absolute transparency and responsibility of the contract code due to the deployment of a single contract (no unforeseen changes can be made to the staking parameters).

• Absolute transparency and accountability for staking rewards due to non-dilutive staking rewards determined by an unchanged supply card (future interest rates can be accurately predicted)

• Absolute accuracy and transparency of the total circulating flow. The number of tokens circulating is always identical to the total number of tokens, the tokens are not held in any way. The only exception is unsold tokens during the pre-sale (blocking time 6 months).

Trinity details:

• Uniswap Awards

There is a 0.3% commission charged for exchanging tokens on Uniswap. This commission is divided among liquidity providers in proportion to their contribution to liquidity reserves. It performs the function of paying all liquidity providers in proportion to their share in the pool.

• Staking rewards

In addition, you will receive Savix staking rewards through the built-in staking protocol while your tokens are used as liquidity.

• Triple awards

Each time liquidity is deposited into the uniswap pool, special tokens known as liquidity tokens are minted to the provider's address in proportion to how much liquidity they have contributed to the pool. These tokens represent the liquidity provider's contribution to the pool. With Savix Trinary, you can deposit Savix Liquidity Tokens for up to 6 months to receive another level of reward: ETH from our ecosystem fund. We expect a return of 7% to 15% of the initial investment paid directly in ETH within the first 6 months.

Token Allocation and Budget Allocation
Initial Public Presale 5%

20% IEO Launchpad

Presale 40% Unicrypt

20% Uniswap liquidity (public sale)
7% Ecosystem Fund
3% bounty program

5% Team

36% of Uniswap liquidity

7% Ecosystem Fund
30% Further development
17% marketing
10% reserve

Token details:
Ticker: SVX

Platform: Ethereum

Token type: ERC-20
In stock: 70,000 SVX (70%)
Total: 100,000 SVX

IEO price: 1 SVX = 0.0166 ETH
Acceptance: ETH

Bonuses: 20% discount

Roadmap Idea for

April 2020
: "Built-in protocol staking "

May 2020
Assembling the Savix team

June 2020
Mathematics and algorithms development

July 2020
Savix smart contracts development

August 2020 White papers
Alpha version
Pre-sales workflow development / Telegram bot development
September 2020
Presale Smart Contract Development
Savix Website Design

October 2020
Smart Contract Modeling and Auditing
Social Channel Development

November 2020
Presale Dapp Development
The public launch of a website and social channels

in December 2020
Creating Community

in January 2021
Presale tokens
Pool Uniswap

March 2021
city of Alpha version Savix Trinary,

April 2021
Release Savix Trinary Dapp


Dokumente und Medien finden Sie unter:

Author : kemi123

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Hello my friends! On this occasion I will provide interesting information about the project. PROTOCOL RISE  interesting Let's look at the reviews below:

 $RISE #ieo #blockchain #dot #bounty #defi #Rise #RiseProtocol #RebaseToken #FrictionlessYield #Rebases #DynamicPeg #blackhole #AutoLiquidity #AutoRewards.


Rise Protocol is a decentralized synthetic rebase asset with advanced financial tools built in which allows it to function as a hedge against any crypto asset class.
Why Choose Ethereum ?

The Initial peg to Ethereum(ETH) was selected due to its fundamental importance in DeFi as a whole. This peg is also easily digestible, as investors must purchase RISE token using ETH.


Rise Protocol is a decentralized synthetic rebase asset with built-in advanced financial tools that allow it to work as a hedge against any crypto asset class.

Rise Protocol manages volatility in price through an elastic supply, deflantionary mechanisms, frictionless yield, and industry leading governence. This combination of technology and human contributions enables Rise to rapidly grow, but not outspace demand or supply. Thus, its token symbol is named RISE.


Rebase Token

Rebase token initially pegged to Ethereum with powerful “Supermassive Black Hole” deflationary mechanisms.
Dynamic Peg

Fully adaptable to changing market and investor behavior, peg can be changed to any asset or asset class (BTC, DOT, LINK, USDC, etc.) in the future. This will be controlled through governance.
Frictionless Yield

2% of every transaction (except buys) is instantly and automatically distributed to all Rise holders. You will see your wallet balance increase with each transaction!
Auto-Liquidity Generation

1% of every sell is permanently locked into liquidity, meaning an ever increasing liquidity and sell floor
Liquidity Provider Rewards

1% of every sell is automatically distributed to our liquidity providers as a reward. If you provide liquidity, your Uniswap LP tokens will automatically increase in value over time.

Rise Token Presale
During the presale period, we are offering 1 RISE token for 0.01 ETH. A total of 37,500 RISE is available for presale. Minimum contribution per wallet is 0.5 ETH, maximum contribution per wallet is 4 ETH. Please register for the whitelist as this will guarantee you an allocation in the presale. Remaining RISE tokens from the whitelist presale, if any, will be offered in an open public presale 1 hour later.

Hardcap : 375 ETH
Total presale amount : 37500 RISE Token
Total initial supply : 100000 RISE Token
Whitelist Presale Start : February 7th. 2021, 20:00 UTC
Whitelist Presale End : February 7th, 2021, 21:00 UTC
Public Presale Start : February 7th, 2021, 22:00 UTC

Distribution of Token

37.5% — Presale
30% — Initial Uniswap Liquidity
25% — Seed Investors (Vested over 1 month)
5% — Team Funds (Vested over 2 months)
2.5% — Development & Marketing


November 2020 — Start Rise Protocol Project. Plans are drawn up and smart contracts are created.
December 2020 — Beta testing on Ropsten testnet to ensure everything down to the smallest detail works as designed.

January 2021 — Seed investors sale followed by a presale in February 2021 with 37500 Rise on offer.
February 2021 — Professional code audit and launch of Rise Protocol on Uniswap.
Q2 2021 — New partnership announced to create additional transactions, generating more tokens for holders of Rise, utilizing frictionless yield. Launch of the governance platform.

Q3 2021 — Implement Chainlink Price Oracles to further enhance the adaptable and dynamic peg function. Further enhance the rebase dashboard to pull in additional feeds.

For more information follow Rise Protocol’s Official Website and Fanspage :

Website :
Litepaper : RISE_Litepaper.pdf (
Twitter :
Medium :
Reddit :
Telegram :

Author : kemi123

Saturday, March 6, 2021


Hi everyone, this is a new post that I would like to introduce about a very interesting and good .SAVIX project that is and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:

#savix #blockchain #cryptocurrency #defi #tokensale #ieo

Cryptocurrency has become one of the favorite investment instruments in the world today. Not only that, crypto currencies are also rapidly developing into alternatives to cashless transactions, such as remittances and cross-border transactions.

With Savix, a virtual currency is now available for the first time, which makes it possible to benefit from staking rewards while keeping the tokens open and liquid, available for free to use on any DeFi product at the same time.

The Embedded Staking (PES) * protocol used here is deeply embedded in the base currency code and requires no explicit user control or triggering. All wallets holding Savix tokens automatically and permanently take part in the betting process.

All contracts and tools necessary for implementation are fully developed and in the final step of internal audit. Currently the contract is running smoothly on the Rinkeby testnet. We plan to switch to mainnet in early December 2020.

The Savix project aims to make decentralized financial products available to non-tech-savvy users. Savix Tokens allow gas-free automatic staking rewards.

Multi Beneficiaries
Since the Embedded Staking Protocol (see next paragraph) allows full availability of token use in other DeFi products, rewards can be "doubled" using Savix. In this way, staking rewards work like an additional layer of passive income. The upcoming “Trinary” liquidity incentive program (see 7) will offer Savix holders a different additional income stream.

Savix bets are embedded in the standard ERC20 transfer function and are fully automatic and 100% passive with no user decision or interaction necessary to receive the prize.

Savix is compatible with Ethereum based DeFi projects. Savix Coins can be used like all standard ERC20 tokens to collect, lend, generate farms, mine and so on, all of this while continuing to generate additional stake tokens to holders.

The embedded Savix protocol stakes evenly adjusts all balances according to the embedded offer development curve. No preference of any kind is given to any particular holder. All wallets are treated the same way, regardless of balance, transaction volume or other parameters.

Open source Savix. All program code and contracts are available via Github and can be checked and tested by anyone. Due to the implementation of a single contract, manipulation of the contract logic or the maximum supply is not possible, there is no additional minting of coins. Bet prizes are fully transparent and predictable.

With Savix, no reward release event at the end of the lock-up period can result in a cyclic dump. Except for market reasons, selling Savix has never been easier or more profitable at any given point in time, creating less volatility.

With Savix you remain independent because tokens are always liquid while earning rewards (without locks) and can be freely transferred or invested in other DeFi products.


The introductory price of the SVX token at the market will be 50 SVX / ETH. A private sale will not be executed. Public presale will be spilt into three phases, each phase — and possible sub-phase — having different discounts and processors. The public sale will start at Uniswap first and then be extended to traditional exchanges for increasing the reach of the token.

Token Distribution & Budget Allocation

5% Initial Public Presale
20% IEO Launchpad
40% Unicrypt Presale
20% Uniswap Liquidity (Public Sale)
7% Ecosystem Fund
3% Bounty Program

5% Team

36% Uniswap Liquidity
7% Ecosystem Fund
30% Further Development
17% Marketing
10% Reserve


• For December 2020 the public token sale and start of the UNiswap liquidity pool is planned.
• Directly afterwards the development of the Savix trinary Dapp will start along with creating partnerships to other DeFi providers.

• Approximately in March 2021 a first Alpha version of Trinary should become available.


Savix features in short:

• Protocol embedded staking
• Compatible with any DeFi project
• Fully automated — 100% passive
• Real time rewards
• Multiple layers of passive income
• Transparent working mechanism
• Stable against manipulation
• Working product ready for deployment

Using Savix investors can receive threefold rewards:

• ETH and Savix from the Uniswap fee share
• Savix from the ERC20 embedded staking protocol

• ETH from the Savix “Trinary” Pool

This triple income stream is possible through Savix unique staking protocol only!

Author : kemi123


Hi everyone, this is a new post that I would like to introduce about the project. Very interesting and good SAVIX that is and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:

Anwendungen im Bereich der dezentralen Wahrnehmung sind heute eines der wichtigsten Einsatzgebiete für digitale Währungen. Mithilfe praktischer Zugang wie Uniswap kann Benutzer Zugang innovativer Finanzprodukte, die auf Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) kosten. Die betreffenden digitalen digitalen Währungen müssen in dem bestimmten Hauptbuch geführt werden, in dem das Finanzinstrument wird. Auf This Weise 

Verwendete Token Sind vorübergehend „gesperrt“ und can DAHER nicht gleichzeitig An einem Absteckprotokoll teilnehmen. . Mit Savix ist jetzt gehört eine virtuelle Sichtbare Möglichkeit.
Über Savix

Savix ist ein Standard-ERC20-Token mit einer in das ERC20-Protokoll eingebetteten Absteckmechanik. Es sind keine zusätzlichen Transaktionen, zusätzlichen Verträge, Orakel oder Benutzerinteraktionen erforderlich, um zu funktionieren.

Savix kann ohne Einschränkungen verwendet werden, da es wie jedes andere ERC20-Token funktioniert. Das Abstecken funktioniert auch dann weiter, wenn Savix in anderen DeFi-Projekten wie Uniswap hinterlegt wird. Wenn Sie Uniswap verwenden, erhalten Sie zusätzlich zu den integrierten Einsatzprämien für kombinierte Gewinne Gebühren für Liquiditätsanbieter. Savix ist die perfekte DeFi-Sicherheit.

Vorhersehbares Selbstabsteckprotokoll
Gasfreie Belohnungen direkt in Ihre Brieftasche
Kompatibel mit jedem DeFi-Projekt
Vollautomatisch - 100% passiv

Mehrere Schichten passiven Einkommens
Großartige Tokenomics: 70% an die Öffentlichkeit verteilt + 10% Liquiditätspool

Savix ist die beste Sicherheit für dezentrale Finanzierungen, weil es so ist

1. Multi-Beneficiary

Since Protocol Embedded Staking (PES) allows complete availability of token usage in other DeFi products, rewards can be “doubled” using Savix. This way staking rewards are an extra Layer of passive income. The upcoming liquidity incentive program “Trinary” (see 7) will offer Savix holders another distinctive additional income stream.

2. Convenient

Savix staking is embedded within standard ERC20 transfer functions and is fully automated and 100% passive with no need for user decisions or interactions to receive rewards therefore.

3. Flexible

Savix is compatible with any Ethereum based DeFi project. Savix coins can be used like all standard ERC20 tokens for pooling, lending, yield farming, mining and so on, all this while continuously yielding additional staking tokens to holders.

4. Fair

Savix protocol embedded staking evenly adjust all balances according to the embedded supply development curve (see 3). No preference whatsoever is given to any specific holder. All wallets are treated in the same way, independent of balances, transaction volume or other parameters.

5. Transparent

Savix sources are open. All program codes and contracts are made available through Github and can be inspected and tested by anybody. Due to single contract deployment any manipulation of the contract logic or maximum supply is impossible, no minting of additional coins. Staking rewards are fully transparent and predictable.

6. Stable

With Savix there aren’t any reward releasing events at the end of locking periods which could generate cyclical dumps. Except for market reasons selling Savix is never easier or more profitable at any specific point in time, creating a less volatility.

7. Independent

With Savix you stay independent because the tokens always stay liquid while earning rewards (no locking) and can be freely moved or invested into DeFi products

These features are made possible by the unique Protocol Embedded Staking (PES), which implies the possibility of investing in highly profitable DeFi products with a predictable backing by conservative staking at the same time.

The introductory price of the SVX token at the market will be 50 SVX / ETH. A private sale will not be executed. Public presale will be spilt into three phases, each phase – and possible sub-phase – having different discounts and processors. The public sale will start at Uniswap first and then be extended to traditional exchanges for increasing the reach of the token.

Token Distribution & Budget Allocation

5% Initial Public Presale

20% IEO Launchpad

40% Unicrypt Presale

20% Uniswap Liquidity (Public Sale)

7% Ecosystem Fund

3% Bounty Program

5% Team

36% Uniswap Liquidity

7% Ecosystem Fund

30% Further Development

17% Marketing

10% Reserve

Token Details

Ticker: SVX

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 70,000 SVX (70%)

Total supply: 100,000 SVX

IEO Price: 1 SVX = 0.0166 ETH

Accepting: ETH

Bonuses: 20% Discount



Public Project Launch

Website is launched, social channels (Telegram and Twitter) are set up. First awareness campaigns are started.


Community Building

Accompanied by several Twitter campaigns an airdrop contest is executed giving away 0.5 SVX to 500 channel members. These are the first SVX holders.


Initial Public Presale

5% of the total token supply are sold through our specially programed presale dapp. No making a private sale, the initial presale works as seed funding.


Marketing & Partnerschips

To prepare for the next funding rounds a marketing schedule is set up, partnerships are formed with platforms, influencers and sales partners. Bounty program launched

MARCH 2021

IEO Launchpads

MARCH 2021

Decentralized Liquidity Platform

MARCH 2021

Start Of Public Trading

The Uniswap liquidity pool is being launched as well as first trading pairs at exchanges are opened.

Q2 2021

Savix Trinary

Trinary will serve as an example on how to combine Savix with other DeFi products. It will offer Savix holders 3 distinctive passive income streams.

Q2 2021

Development Of Ecosystem
Awareness Campaign
Partnership preparations

Q3 2021

Staking Dashbboard

Further Developent Of Ecoystem:
Official partnerships with DeFi projects
Technological integration with partner projects

Q4 2021

Integrated DeFi Dashboard

The DeFi dashboard will integrate multiple partner DeFi products, Savix Trinary and the Savix staking dashboard. Here is where DeFi for Everyone begins.

Q1 2022

Integrated DeFi dashboard- Update 2022

Complementary DeFi partnerships in order to integrate all areas of DeFi applications in the Savix dashboard

Author : kemi123