Friday, May 14, 2021

Whole Earth Foundation

Hello everyone, this is a new post that I would like to introduce about the project. <Whole Earth Foundation. > which is very interesting and good namely for more details, let's go to the following discussion: below

#WholeEarthFoundation #WEC #IEO
Establishment is all of the workplaces needed by the general populace to help diverse neighborhood in step by step life. Toward the day's end, system is all workplaces, both physical and non-physical, that are worked by the public position and individuals to meet the crucial necessities of society in various pieces of social and neighborhood.

The subject of how to capably direct open product, for instance, water and air has for quite a while been amassed in monetary issue. It is all things considered acknowledged that markets disregard to relegate resources for public product gainfully. The essential avocation this stems from how high open activity isn't continually regarded fiscally and exchanged external the market. Hence, the general populace has no persuading power to participate in works out, for instance, giving information on the circumstance with system to expert communities. Regardless, if the activities did by the general populace can be assessed and associated with them, perhaps, it is achievable to supervise public items gainfully.

Good infrastructure management can extend the life of buildings, as offered by the Whole Earth Foundation, which is a platform that aims to democratize infrastructure management by making information about the status of the infrastructure more accessible and visible to the general public. With Whole Earth Foundation, users can access, collect and contribute data to the platform and earn token rewards for their contribution.

#WholeEarthFoundation #WEC #IEO


The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) proposes to utilize the Whole Earth Access (WEA) stage to interface general inhabitants (or information providers) and structure expert centers by offering induction to an informational collection containing clear information about their structure, and an organic framework planned to work with correspondence and joint exertion. Whole Earth Foundation plans to make social change in structure the chiefs through open speculation using blockchain advancement.
Whole Earth Foundation Features

Whole Earth Foundation is a platform that aims to democratize infrastructure management which allows communities and service providers to collaborate and support each other to create sound and smart infrastructure management. Everyone can access, collect, and contribute to the database that has been provided. The community and service providers can use this database for various purposes. Every time a user contributes to the database, they will get a WEF token. How many tokens a user will get will be related to the number of contributions they make, the more the better. But that's not all, there are a few other features of the Whole Earth Foundation:

Smart infrastructure: Users can collaborate with communities or service providers to be able to build smart and sustainable infrastructure.

Balanced information: With the presence of the Whole Earth Foundation, it is possible to provide more equitable information to service providers and citizens.
Tools: Users can access platform tools to build and utilize the environmental database. Everyone can access this platform easily through their device.

Ecosystem Governance

At the present time, the WEC token is an ERC20 Utility Token ward on the Ethereum blockchain. We picked the Ethereum blockchain for its improvement as a decentralized stage that offers strong security and induction to a wide arrangement progression mechanical assemblies. As we progress, the Foundation will adequately search for organization structures that better assistance our targets and consider factors like flexibility and by and large regular impact.
WEC Token

The Whole Earth Foundation launched a native token under the name WEC which has a role as a utility and governance token. Whole Earth Foundation launches a WEC token based on Ethereum ERC-20. Users can get these tokens for every contribution they make to the database or buy them through the Coinsbit or Probit exchange platforms.


As the name recommends, the Whole Earth Foundation intends to think all system and common related endeavors all through the planet. As an early phase, we base regarding the matter of water, anyway the potential businesses of stages go far past water structure.

Everyone can access, collect, and contribute to the database. Contributors will get rewards for their participation in the form of tokens that they can exchange. The community and service providers can collaborate in creating good and sustainable infrastructure. All of this can be achieved with the Whole Earth Foundation.

Author : kemi123

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